субота 21. март 2020. (понедељак)

Добар дан,
 свима онима који имају енглески понедељком.

Е11- као обнављање области треба да обновите речи на стр.97 и да урадите вежбе. кад почнете са радом, имате 45 мин. и доставите ми број освојених бодова као и по две решене реченице.

Г12- почињемо нову област-МЕДИЈИ.Прочитајте текст о различитим врстама медија и савладајте истакнуте речи из текста (стр.99) као и речи из речника на стр.100.

Е23- задатак вам је да урадите по још 2 реченице препричавања из вежби 1 и 2 на стр.75.

М23- задатак вам је да прочитате 78 страну, а да напишете једну реченицу да се слажете и једну да се не слажете са следећом реченицом I don`t like chocolate..

Г32-на стр. 58. имате изразе којима изражавате слагање/неслагање са оним што неко каже. Домаћи је да напишете по две реченице да се слажете и две да се не слажете са следећом реченицом I like online school.

М31-ви данас имате 2 часа-редован и час надокнаде- тако да ћете имати 2 задатка.први је да доставите још по 2 реченице из вежби 9 и 10 на 43 стр., а други је стр.44/45: да научите речи из вежбе 2 и опишете ми вашу омиљену песму или врсту музике, да савладате изразе из 5. вежбе на 45. стр. и неким од њих прокоментаришете цитат на крају исте стране и да ми напишете фразалне глаголе из вежбе 11 на 45.стр и њихова значења.


  1. bodova 18/20
    1.Poverty often encourages crime.
    2.All the buildings along the beach were destroyed by the hurricane last week.

  2. 16/18
    1. My car was stolen when I went to the mall the other day.
    2. This house hasn't been painted for ten years.

  3. 16/18
    1. What happened when she found out the truth?
    2. I wasn't given any help with the homework.

  4. ivana Marjanovic
    I wouldn't dream of going to visit her hospital without buying some flowers.
    She enjoys going to parties and dancing at night clubs all night long

  5. 16/18
    1.The loss he had suffered affect him.
    2.Our capital city is visited by many tourists every year.

  6. 17/20
    Anastasija Nenadović E-11

    1. What happened (happen)when she found out the drug I?
    2.Peter said he hadn't caused the accident./denis
    Peter denied cousing the accident.

  7. Miloš Marić E-11
    Bodova 17/18
    1.He was modest man and often shy in the company of women.
    2.She enjoys going to parties and dancing at the dacing clubs all night long.

  8. 16/18
    1.People in the neighbourhood were being interviewed last night.
    2.Peter deried causing the accident.

  9. 17/18
    1.During the ten-day march across the desert, their supply of water decreased rapidly.
    2.That ring was given to my grandmother by my grandfather before she got married.

  10. 18/18 ријешио 1. the painting will be shown to all...
    2. all the buildings along the beach were destroyed ...

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. 16/18
    My car was stolen when i went to the mall the other day.
    She enjoys going to parties and dancing at night clubs all night long.

  13. 18/18
    1. That ring had been given to my grandmother by my grandfather before she got married.
    2. This house hasn't been painted for ten years.

  14. 16/18
    1.Ann suggested their going to James`s party.
    2.The escaped prisoner has been seen recently in a supermarket.

  15. 18/18
    1.I wasn't given any help with the homework.
    2.This house hasn't been painted for ten years.

  16. 16/18
    I wouldn't dream of going to visit her in hospital without buying some flowers.
    Our capital city is visited by many tourists every year.

  17. 17/18
    1. My car was stolen when I went to the mall the other day.
    2. What happened when she found out the truth?

  18. 18/18
    1.Our capital city is visited by many tourists every year.
    2.People in the neighbourhood were being interviewed last night.

  19. 17/18
    1.The painting will be shown to all of the potential buyers tomorrow.
    2.The escaped prisoner has been seen recently in a supermarket.

  20. 16/18
    My car was stolen when i went to the mall the other day.
    People in the neighbourhood were being interviewed last night.

  21. 17/18
    1. - That ring had been given to my grandmother by my grandfather before she got married.

    2. - This house hasn't been painted for ten years.

    Алекса Јеротић Е11

  22. 16/18
    What happend when she found out the truth?
    My car was stolen when i went to the mall the other day.

  23. 11/18
    1.The painting will be shown to all of the potential buyers tomorrow.
    2.I wasn't given any help with the homework.

  24. 17/18
    1. The painting will be shown to all of the potential buyers tomorrow.
    2. Peter denied causing the accident.

  25. 16/18
    1. My car was stolen when i went to the mall the other day.
    2. I wasn't given aby help with the homework.

  26. 15/18
    1.My car was stolen when i went to the mall the other day.
    2.People in the neighbourhood were being interviewed last night.

  27. M23,strana 78,
    Of course i don't like chocolate.
    I couldn't agree more i don't like chocolate.

  28. Milojko Blagojević
    M23,strana 78
    Of course i don't like chocolate
    I could't agree more i don't like

  29. Predrag Savatic E11

    1.People in the neighbourhood were being interviewed last night.
    2.Peter deried causing the accident.

  30. 18/18
    1.Our capital city is visited by many tourists every year.
    2.People in the neighbourhood were being interviewed last night.


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