среда 25. март 2020.

Добар дан,
надам се да се сналазите у свему овоме. Помажите једни другима.

Г41- данас треба да провежбате речник и разумевање текста ЗЛАТНО ДОБА. На стр. 103, имате вежбу 6 и 7. Погледаћете и урадити вежбу 6, а предаћете ми урађену вежбу 7.

Е 23- данас обнављате и завршавате област о храни. Домаћи вам је да напишете по реченицу о томе шта једете за доручак, ручак и вечеру (3 реченице) као и коју храну волите да једете (воће поврће месо)- 1 реченица, и коју не волите да једете (воће поврће месо)- 1 реченица.Тако да за домаћи имате укупно 5 реченица да предате.

М31-стр. 49, везано за заменице.Поновити врсте заменица. Прочитати текст и урадити вежбе 3, 4, 5 и 6. Као домаћи ми предајете вежбу 5 (са примерима и преводом).

Морам да додам, тј. да поновим. Домаће морате потписати (одељење, име и презиме и наведите стр. и вежбу домаћег.
Уколико то не урадите, коме ја да доделим оцену?
И проверите да ли су вам домаћи одговарајуће обележени.


  1. Djukic Radenko M31
    Domaci Str.49 Vezba 5
    a) If YOU like castles, it's a good idea to visit picturesque Stokesay Castle or the ruins of Wigmore Castle, tge seat of the powerful Mortimer family.
    Three restaurants hold the famous Michelin star, which is really quite suprising when you think that there are only several of THEM in the whole country.

    b) You will find YOURSELF in Broad Street with its impressive 18th century houses.
    If you have children, drop in to The Secret Hills Discovery Centre in Craven Arms where they can learn all about the area and enjoy THEMSELVES at the same time.

    d) There are few towns like OURS in Britain with such fine architecture.

    f) Other places worth a visit are the castle, WHICH defended the town against the Welsh, and St Laurence's, a spectatular medieval church.
    Mortimer's Trail THAT goes from Ludlow through Mortimer's Forest to the Welsh border.
    There are also plenty of things to do for those WHO like the outdoor life.

    1. Примери које си дао су тачни, само ти фале неодређене заменице и присвојни придеви-оцена 4

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Filip Bogicevic M31
    Domaci Str.49 Vezba 5
    a) If YOU like castles, it's a good idea to visit picturesque Stokesay Castle or the ruins of Wigmore Castle, tge seat of the powerful Mortimer family.
    Three restaurants hold the famous Michelin star, which is really quite suprising when you think that there are only several of THEM in the whole country.

    b) You will find YOURSELF in Broad Street with its impressive 18th century houses.
    If you have children, drop in to The Secret Hills Discovery Centre in Craven Arms where they can learn all about the area and enjoy THEMSELVES at the same time.

    d) There are few towns like OURS in Britain with such fine architecture.

    f) Other places worth a visit are the castle, WHICH defended the town against the Welsh, and St Laurence's, a spectatular medieval church.
    Mortimer's Trail THAT goes from Ludlow through Mortimer's Forest to the Welsh border.
    There are also plenty of things to do for those WHO like the outdoor life.

    1. Богићевићу , ово јако личи на Реднков рад???Сада ће бити 2, а убудуће 1.

  4. Г41, вежба бр. 7.
    1. golden
    2. undertaken
    3. drawn
    4. tech
    5. high
    6. undergoing
    7. social
    8. made
    9. showing
    10. had
    11. burst
    12. was emerging

    1. није добро 5, 9, 10, 11 и 12-= оцена 3,проучи речник, мало је сложенији

    2. 5. insatiable
      9. new
      10. played
      11. frenzy
      12. occured

    3. 9-showing off *razbacuju se- 12- flourished *bujalo/cvetalo-4

  5. G41, str. 103. vezba 6
    1. golden
    2. undertaken
    3. being revolutionised
    4. new
    5. high
    6. undergoing
    7. social
    8. made
    9. spending
    10. had
    11. burst
    12. was emerging

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. g41, exercise no7
    1. golden
    2. undertaken
    3. drawn
    4. new
    5. high
    6. undergoing
    7. social
    8. made
    9. spending
    10. had
    11. burst
    12. was emerging

  8. G41, str. 103. vezba 7
    1. golden
    2. undertaken
    3. drawn
    4. tech
    5. high
    6. undergoing
    7. social
    8. made
    9. showing
    10. had
    11. burst
    12. was emerging

  9. Пантић Тијана Г41
    Вежба број 7
    1. golden
    2. undertaken
    3. drawn
    4. tech
    5. high
    6. undergoing
    7. social
    8. made
    9. showing
    10. had
    11. burst
    12. was emerging

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. G41, str. 103. vezba 7
    1. golden
    2. undertaken
    3. drawn
    4. tech
    5. high
    6. undergoing
    7. social
    8. made
    9. showing
    10. had
    11. burst
    12. was emerging

  12. G41 strana 103 vezba 7
    1. Golden
    2. Undertaken
    3. Drawn
    4. Tech
    5. High
    6. Undergoing
    7. Social
    8. Made
    9. Showing
    10. Had
    11. Burst
    12. Was emerging

  13. Igor Djurdjevic M31
    Domaci Str.49 Vezba 5
    a) If YOU like castles, it's a good idea to visit picturesque Stokesay Castle or the ruins of Wigmore Castle, tge seat of the powerful Mortimer family.
    Three restaurants hold the famous Michelin star, which is really quite suprising when you think that there are only several of THEM in the whole country.

    b) You will find YOURSELF in Broad Street with its impressive 18th century houses.
    If you have children, drop in to The Secret Hills Discovery Centre in Craven Arms where they can learn all about the area and enjoy THEMSELVES at the same time.

    d) There are few towns like OURS in Britain with such fine architecture.

    f) Other places worth a visit are the castle, WHICH defended the town against the Welsh, and St Laurence's, a spectatular medieval church.
    Mortimer's Trail THAT goes from Ludlow through Mortimer's Forest to the Welsh border.
    There are also plenty of things to do for those WHO like the outdoor life

  14. Nemanja Katic M31
    Domaci Str.49 Vezba 5
    a) If YOU like castles, it's a good idea to visit picturesque Stokesay Castle or the ruins of Wigmore Castle, tge seat of the powerful Mortimer family.
    Three restaurants hold the famous Michelin star, which is really quite suprising when you think that there are only several of THEM in the whole country.

    b) You will find YOURSELF in Broad Street with its impressive 18th century houses.
    If you have children, drop in to The Secret Hills Discovery Centre in Craven Arms where they can learn all about the area and enjoy THEMSELVES at the same time.

    d) There are few towns like OURS in Britain with such fine architecture.

    f) Other places worth a visit are the castle, WHICH defended the town against the Welsh, and St Laurence's, a spectatular medieval church.
    Mortimer's Trail THAT goes from Ludlow through Mortimer's Forest to the Welsh border.
    There are also plenty of things to do for those WHO like the outdoor life.

  15. Boris Cvetković M31
    Domaci Str.49 Vezba 5
    a) If YOU like castles, it's a good idea to visit picturesque Stokesay Castle or the ruins of Wigmore Castle, tge seat of the powerful Mortimer family.
    Three restaurants hold the famous Michelin star, which is really quite suprising when you think that there are only several of THEM in the whole country.

    b) You will find YOURSELF in Broad Street with its impressive 18th century houses.
    If you have children, drop in to The Secret Hills Discovery Centre in Craven Arms where they can learn all about the area and enjoy THEMSELVES at the same time.

    d) There are few towns like OURS in Britain with such fine architecture.

    f) Other places worth a visit are the castle, WHICH defended the town against the Welsh, and St Laurence's, a spectatular medieval church.
    Mortimer's Trail THAT goes from Ludlow through Mortimer's Forest to the Welsh border.
    There are also plenty of things to do for those WHO like the outdoor life.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Domaci Str.49 Vezba 5
    a) If YOU like castles, it's a good idea to visit picturesque Stokesay Castle or the ruins of Wigmore Castle, tge seat of the powerful Mortimer family.
    Three restaurants hold the famous Michelin star, which is really quite suprising when you think that there are only several of THEM in the whole country.

    b) You will find YOURSELF in Broad Street with its impressive 18th century houses.
    If you have children, drop in to The Secret Hills Discovery Centre in Craven Arms where they can learn all about the area and enjoy THEMSELVES at the same time.

    d) There are few towns like OURS in Britain with such fine architecture.

    f) Other places worth a visit are the castle, WHICH defended the town against the Welsh, and St Laurence's, a spectatular medieval church.
    Mortimer's Trail THAT goes from Ludlow through Mortimer's Forest to the Welsh border.
    There are also plenty of things to do for those WHO like the outdoor life.

  18. Djordje tadićG-41
    G41, str. 103. vezba 7
    1. golden
    2. undertaken
    3. drawn
    4. tech
    5. high
    6. undergoing
    7. social
    8. made
    9. showing
    10. had
    11. burst
    12. was emerging

  19. Милош Видовић
    Домаћи Страна.49 Вежба5

    a) If YOU like castles, it's a good idea to visit picturesque Stokesay Castle or the ruins of Wigmore Castle, tge seat of the powerful Mortimer family.
    Three restaurants hold the famous Michelin star, which is really quite suprising when you think that there are only several of THEM in the whole country.

    b) You will find YOURSELF in Broad Street with its impressive 18th century houses.
    If you have children, drop in to The Secret Hills Discovery Centre in Craven Arms where they can learn all about the area and enjoy THEMSELVES at the same time.

    d) There are few towns like OURS in Britain with such fine architecture.

    f) Other places worth a visit are the castle, WHICH defended the town against the Welsh, and St Laurence's, a spectatular medieval church.
    Mortimer's Trail THAT goes from Ludlow through Mortimer's Forest to the Welsh border.
    There are also plenty of things to do for those WHO like the outdoor life.

  20. Strana 103. vezba 7
    1. golden
    2. undertaken
    3. being revolutionised
    4. tech
    5. insatiable
    6. undergoing
    7. social
    9. new
    10. plady
    11. frenzy
    12. occured

  21. vezba 7:
    1. golden
    2. undertaken
    3. drawn
    4. tech
    5. insatiable
    6. undergoing
    7. social
    8. made
    9. showing off
    10. played
    11. frenzy
    12. occured


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