среда 1. април 2020.
Добар дан,
надам се да се добро и да сте расположени, као и да постижете лагано да радите. Опомените и помозите онима који се не сналазе.
Г41-данашњи ваш задатак су СЛОЖЕНЕ РЕЧЕНИЦЕ / COMPLEX SENTENCES- PERSUASION којима настојите некога да убедите да види ствари другачије. На 104. и 105. стр. вам је дато објашњење, као и на 148. у граматици. Прочитајте 4., 5., вежбу као и граматику и урадите 7., 8., и 9. вежбу. Као домаћи ћете ми предати по 4 реченице из 8. и 9. вежбе.
Е23-треба да обновите текст и као домаћи предате одговоре на трећу вежбу (стр. 82)-имате 3 питања; и вежбу 1(Vocabulary) -стр.82 са истакнутим речима.
M31- данас треба да урадите контролни као завршетак области. Прошлог часа сте добили шта да провежбате и ако сте то одрадили, за контролни вам неће требати више од 30 минута.
Answer the questions:
1 Why did Christo make his works of art?
2 How did he make them?
3 Which of them do you know?
4 What kind of music do you like and how would you describe it?
5 Why would you like to visit Ludlow? Or not?
1 Knjiga će biti objavljena narednog leta..
2 Van Gogova slika je ukradena iz muzeja u Holandiji prošle nedelje.
3 Kenedija je možda ubio neki ludak.
4 Mi činimo oko polovine učenika našeg razreda.
5 oni su odbili takvu ponudu za posao.
До наредног часа имате стр.52, па погледајте и урадите 3. и 4. вежбу.
Молим вас да потписујете задатке М31 ЛазаМарић (стр.51). Од понедељка 23., имам поред Видовићевог, Катићевог, Ђурђевићевог и Ђукићевог задатка још један непотписан, па нека га власник потпише.
Djukic Radenko M31
ReplyDeleteAnswer the question:
1. He says that their work is a kind of architecture and they use space, light and texture to make beautiful things.
4. I listen folk music because that kind of music is in the clubs.
1. The book will be published next summer.
2. Van Gogh's paintning was stolen from the museum in The Netherlands last week.
3. Kennedy may have been killed by some crazy man.
4. We make about half the students in our class.
5. They rejected that kind of job offer.
Од 10 поена имаш 6.
DeleteFilip Bogićević
Answer the question:
1. He says that their work is a kind of architecture and they use space, light and texture to make beautiful things.
4. I listen folk music because that kind of music is in the clubs.
1. The book will be published next summer.
2. Van Gogh's paintning was stolen from the museum in The Netherlands last week.
3. Kennedy may have been killed by some crazy man.
4. We make about half the students in our class.
5. They rejected that kind of job offer.
Рад исти као Ђукићев- од 10 поена имаш 6, а за оцену ћемо видети.
DeleteAnswer the question:
ReplyDelete1. He says that their work is a kind of architecture and they use space, light and texture to make beautiful things.
4. I listen folk music because that kind of music is in the clubs.
1. The book will be published next summer.
2. Van Gogh's paintning was stolen from the museum in The Netherlands last week.
3. Kennedy may have been killed by some crazy man.
4. We make about half the students in our class.
5. They rejected that kind of job offer.
Рад исти као Ђукићев- од 10 поена имаш 6, а за оцену ћемо видети.
DeleteIgor Djurdjevic M31
ReplyDeleteAnswer the question:
1. He says that their work is a kind of architecture and they use space, light and texture to make beautiful things.
4. I listen folk music because that kind of music is in the clubs.
1. The book will be published next summer.
2. Van Gogh's paintning was stolen from the museum in The Netherlands last week.
3. Kennedy may have been killed by some crazy man.
4. We make about half the students in our class.
5. They rejected that kind of job
Рад исти као Ђукићев- од 10 поена имаш 6, а за оцену ћемо видети.
ReplyDeleteAnswer the question:
1. He says that their work is a kind of architecture and they use space, light and texture to make beautiful things.
4. I listen every kind of music.
1. The book will be published next summer.
2. Van Gogh's paintning was stolen from the museum in The Netherlands last week.
3. Kennedy may have been killed by some crazy man.
4. We make about half the students in our class.
5. They rejected that kind of job offer.
Рад исти скоро као Ђукићев- од 10 поена имаш 5, а за оцену ћемо видети.
DeleteМилош Видовић
Answer the question:
1. He says that their work is a kind of architecture and they use space, light and texture to make beautiful things.
4. I listen folk music because that kind of music is in the clubs.
1. The book will be published next summer.
2. Van Gogh's paintning was stolen from the museum in The Netherlands last week.
3. Kennedy may have been killed by some crazy man.
4. We make about half the students in our class.
5. They rejected that kind of job offer.
Рад исти као Ђукићев- од 10 поена имаш 6, а за оцену ћемо видети. Позитивно је што си прешао на прави домаћи- мада ти је метод исти.
DeleteZoran Kovacevic
ReplyDeleteAnswer the question:
1. He says that their work is a kind of architecture and they use space, light and texture to make beautiful things.
4. I listen folk music because that kind of music is in the clubs.
1. The book will be published next summer.
2. Van Gogh's paintning was stolen from the museum in The Netherlands last week.
3. Kennedy may have been killed by some crazy man.
4. We make about half the students in our class.
5. They rejected that kind of job offer.
Рад исти као Ђукићев- од 10 поена имаш 6, а за оцену ћемо видети.
DeleteNikola Vaguric
Answer the question:
1. He says that their work is a kind of architecture and they use space, light and texture to make beautiful things.
4. I listen folk music because that kind of music is in the clubs.
1. The book will be published next summer.
2. Van Gogh's paintning was stolen from the museum in The Netherlands last week.
3. Kennedy may have been killed by some crazy man.
4. We make about half the students in our class.
5. They rejected that kind of job offer.
Надам се да си обележио који непотписан домаћи је твој.
DeleteРад исти као Ђукићев- од 10 поена имаш 6, а за оцену ћемо видети.
Г41, вежбе 8, 9.
ReplyDelete8) 1. would
2. better
3. insists
4. ought
5. should
6. about time
7. rather
8. suggest
9) 1. better change
2. rather you don't play
3. insist that they manage
4. I were you I'd study
5. time he starts looking
6. demanded of her to wear
7. 'd rather you dress
8. has to see
DeleteУ 8. вежби 5- није should, izraz je HAD BETTER-BOLJE BI BILO- остало је добро;
ReplyDeleteу 9. под 1-HAD BETTER CHANGE; 2 WOULD RATHER YOU DIDN`T PLAY( после ового израза мора Past tense) ЧИТАЈТЕ; 5- It`s about time he STARTED (mora Past); 6- Teachers demanded THAT SHE WEAR (pogledaj konstrukciju); 7- WOULD RAHTER YOU DRESSED (mora!) ; 8- HAD BETTER SEE
Закључак- ништа ме не слушате- пажљиво морате погледати примере и прочитати граматику- ово су сложене конструкције- постоји правило како се граде...простудирај, па објасни даље.
Од 16 имаш 9 тачних- то ти дође оцена 3. Можеш да поправиш вежба 10 (105).
8. vezba
ReplyDelete1. would
2. better
3. insists
4. ought
9. vezba
1. had better change
2. I'd rather you didn't play
3. insist that they manage
4. I were you I'd study
DeleteNemanja Pavlovic
ReplyDeleteAnswer the question:
1. He says that their work is a kind of architecture and they use space, light and texture to make beautiful things.
4. I listen folk music because that kind of music is in the clubs.
1. The book will be published next summer.
2. Van Gogh's paintning was stolen from the museum in The Netherlands last week.
3. Kennedy may have been killed by some crazy man.
4. We make about half the students in our class.
5. They rejected that kind of job
Оцена 2- (мало закашњење)
Deleteg41, str105
ReplyDeletevežba 8
4. ought
6.about time
vežba 9
1.He had better change his career plans.
2.I would rather you did not play music late at night.
3.We insist that they manage the funds more carefully.
4.If I were you I would study economics.
5.It is about time he started looking for a job.
6.Her teachers demanded that she wear longer skirts.
7.I would rather you dressed more smartly for work.
8.Jim should better see a doctor before it gets any worse.
Е реченице су добре.. а ово изнад не знам шта је ???
DeleteAnswer the question:
Delete1. He says that their work is a kind of architecture and they use space, light and texture to make beautiful things.
4. I listen folk music because that kind of music is in the clubs.
1. The book will be published next summer.
2. Van Gogh's paintning was stolen from the museum in The Netherlands last week.
3. Kennedy may have been killed by some crazy man.
4. We make about half the students in our class.
5. They rejected that kind of job offer.
Answer the question:
Delete1. He says that their work is a kind of architecture and they use space, light and texture to make beautiful things.
4. I listen folk music because that kind of music is in the clubs.
1. The book will be published next summer.
2. Van Gogh's paintning was stolen from the museum in The Netherlands last week.
3. Kennedy may have been killed by some crazy man.
4. We make about half the students in our class.
5. They rejected that kind of job offer.
не занам шта да кажем....