понедељак 30.март 2020.

Добар дан,
 надам се да сте добро и да се сналазите (један број вас је и вредан).

Е11- ви данас имате два часа, поред редовног и час надокнаде од продужетка распуста. Данашња тема за вас, у оквиру првог часа, су именице. Треба да обновите оно што знате о именицама и што имате у граматици на 165 страни, а затим да урадите 2., 3. и 4. вежбу на 101. страни и да их предате. У оквиру другог часа имате текст ВАЖНОСТ ФЕЈСБУКА КАО ДРУШТВЕНЕ МРЕЖЕ /THE IMPORTANCE OF FACEBOOK AS A SOCIAL NETWORKING SITE на 103. страни, који треба да прочитате и да урадите вежбе на 104.страни.

Г12-надовезујемо се на тему именица/ (Nouns), а данас то су сложене именице (сложенице)/ Compound Nouns на стр. 106. Задатак је да прочитате упуство на 106.стр и да преведте по 2 сложене именице из те три дате групе. Из вежбе 2, која је одмах испод треба да направите сложенице од датих речи, али тако да је дата реч друга у сложеници -пример вам је дат..

Е23-  данас почињемо нову област ПОСЛОВИ И ХОБИЈИ / JOBS AND HOBBIES (стр.80/81/82). Ваш задак је да прочитате текст на стр.81/82. За домаћи треба да ми предате преведене истакнуте речи (highlighted words) из текста, као и речи из речника стр.82. 

М23- данас имате из граматике CONDITIONAL SENTENCES TYPE 2 / УСЛОВНЕ РЕЧЕНИЦЕ ТИП 2 (шта би било...кад би било...). на страни 86. 
                 Купио бих нови ауто ако бих добио на лутрији.
                  I would buy myself a new car if I won the lottery.
Подвучене реченице су условне (оне које починју везником ако/if). У том делу реченице у енглеском глагол мора бити у прошлом времену ( Past Simple ) , а у главном делу реченице испред главног глагола мора стајати глагол WOULD. По том правилу урадите по 2 реченице из вежбе 2 на 86.страни и предајте као домаћи
Г32- данас радимо RELATIVE CLAUSES / OДНОСНЕ РЕЧЕНИЦЕ, које смо радили и предходних година. То су зависне реченице које се односе на неки део главне реченице и почињу везником WHO (ако је човек)  /WHICH(ако није човек) и THAT (који може да се односи и на човека и на ствари). Има их две врсте: DEFINING / ДЕФИНИШУЋЕ   NON-DEFINING/ НЕДЕФИНИШУЋЕ. Задатак вам је да прочитате о њима на стр. 63 и да урадите 5. вежбу на страни 157.

М31- данас завршавате област. На стр.51 урадте вежбу 4,5,6 и 7, а проверу ћете радити следећег часа.


  1. Vežba 2.(101.strana)
    1. Our luggage is in the car.
    2. Their progres has been evident.
    3. He wants some information on the computets you make.
    4. Don't be afraid to Ask for some advice when ordering a meal.
    5. The relationship was never going to work, but it was fun while it lasted.
    6. What a Bad wather we had yesterday!

    Vežba 3.(101.strana)
    1. Chief-chiefs
    2. Half-halves
    3. Loaf-loaves
    4. Ox-oxen
    5. Familiy-families
    6. Foot-feet
    7. Kilo-kilos
    8. Potato-potatoes
    9. Match-matches

    Vežba 4.(101.strana)
    1. Social media effects on young people.
    2. Music effects on human body and mental health.
    3. Health and beauty can be affected by lifestyle.
    4. Social Is affected by violence in the media.
    5. How education Is affected by technology.
    6. My life doesnt affect you.

    Vežba 1.(104.strana)
    1. Increasingly
    2. Go up
    3. Expend
    4. Furthermore
    5. Assignments
    6. Transform

    Vežba 2.(104.strana)
    1. Access
    2. Significant
    3. Drawback
    4. Expend
    5. Assignments
    6. Features

    Vežba 3.(104.strana)
    1. College classmates
    2. Social media
    3. Keep in touch
    4. Masa promotion
    5. Interesting features
    6. Significant drawback
    7. Affect ones life

    1. У 4. вежби добра решења 3 и 6-остало, не. У 1. вежби није добро 3 и 5. У 2 вежби није добро 4 и 5. У 3. вежби није добро 4 и 7.

  2. Ivana Marjanovic
    101.strana vezba 2
    1. Our luggage is in the car.
    2. Their progres has been evident.
    3. He wants some information on the computets you make.
    4. Don't be afraid to Ask for some advice when ordering a meal.
    5. The relationship was never going to work, but it was fun while it lasted.
    6. What a Bad wather we had yesterday!

    101.strana vezba 3
    1. Chief-chiefs
    2. Half-halves
    3. Loaf-loaves
    4. Ox-oxen
    5. Familiy-families
    6. Foot-feet
    7. Kilo-kilos
    8. Potato-potatoes
    9. Match-matches

    101.strana vezba 4
    1. Social media effects on young people.
    2. Music effects on human body and mental health.
    3. Health and beauty can be affected by lifestyle.
    4. Social Is affected by violence in the media.
    5. How education Is affected by technology.
    6. My life doesnt affect you.

    104.strana vezba 1
    1. Increasingly
    2. Go up
    3. Expend
    4. Furthermore
    5. Assignments
    6. Transform

    104.strana vezba 2
    1. Access
    2. Significant
    3. Drawback
    4. Expend
    5. Assignments
    6. Features

    104.strana vezba 3
    1. College classmates
    2. Social media
    3. Keep in touch
    4. Masa promotion
    5. Interesting features
    6. Significant drawback
    7. Affect ones life

    1. У 4. вежби добра решења 3 и 6-остало, не. У 1. вежби није добро 3 и 5. У 2 вежби није добро 4 и 5. У 3. вежби није добро 4 и 7. Грешке индентичне Ђурђевићевим.


  3. Popović Filip
    Strana 106,

    half-sister - polusestra
    Photo-tagging - označavanje
    Post office - pošta
    Real estate - nekretnima

    1. Лепо је што си превео ове цложенице, али је требало да боље погледаш ште ти је задатак

  4. Vežba 2.(101.strana)
    1. Our luggage is in the car.
    2. Their progress has been evident.
    3. He wants some information on the computers you make.
    4. Don't be afraid to ask for an advice when ordering a meal.
    5. The relationship was never going to work, but it was fun while it lasted.
    6. What bad weather we had yesterday!

    Vežba 3.(101.strana)
    1. Chief-chiefs
    2. Half-halves
    3. Loaf-loaves
    4. Ox-oxen
    5. Familiy-families
    6. Foot-feet
    7. Kilo-kilos
    8. Potato-potatoes
    9. Match-matches

    Vežba 4.(101.strana)
    1.Social media affects young people.
    2.Music has a positive effect on the human mind.
    3.Health and beauty is affected by your lifestyle.
    4.Society is affected by mass unemployment.
    5.You can have effects on your education.
    6.My life is affected only by my choices.

    Vežba 1.(104.strana)
    1. Increasingly
    2. Go up
    3. Expand
    4. Furthermore
    5. Assignment
    6. Transform

    Vežba 2.(104.strana)
    1. Access
    2. Significant
    3. Drawback
    4. Expend
    5. Assignments
    6. Features

    Vežba 3.(104.strana)
    1. College classmates
    2. Social media
    3. Keep in touch
    4. Mass promotion
    5. Interesting features
    6. Significant drawback
    7. Affect one's life

    1. У 1. вежби реченица 6. У 4. вежби не треба ти the human mind (2), are affected(3), massive unemployment(4), (5) bolje bi bilo: You can affect your education ili That can have effects on your education. U 2. vežbi nije dobro rešenje 5. Pazi kad radiš...

  5. Aleksandar Petrović E-11
    Vežba 2.(101.strana)
    1. Our luggage is in the car.
    2. Their progres has been evident.
    3. He wants some information on the computets you make.
    4. Don't be afraid to Ask for some advice when ordering a meal.
    5. The relationship was never going to work, but it was fun while it lasted.
    6. What a Bad wather we had yesterday!

    Vežba 3.(101.strana)
    1. Chief-chiefs
    2. Half-halves
    3. Loaf-loaves
    4. Ox-oxen
    5. Familiy-families
    6. Foot-feet
    7. Kilo-kilos
    8. Potato-potatoes
    9. Match-matches

    Vežba 4.(101.strana)
    1. Social media effects on young people.
    2. Music effects on human body and mental health.
    3. Health and beauty can be affected by lifestyle.
    4. Social Is affected by violence in the media.
    5. How education Is affected by technology.
    6. My life doesnt affect you.

    Vežba 1.(104.strana)
    1. Increasingly
    2. Go up
    3. Expend
    4. Furthermore
    5. Assignments
    6. Transform

    Vežba 2.(104.strana)
    1. Access
    2. Significant
    3. Drawback
    4. Expend
    5. Assignments
    6. Features

    Vežba 3.(104.strana)
    1. College classmates
    2. Social media
    3. Keep in touch
    4. Masa promotion
    5. Interesting features
    6. Significant drawback
    7. Affect ones life

    1. У 4. вежби добра решења 3 и 6-остало, не. У 1. вежби није добро 3 и 5. У 2 вежби није добро 4 и 5. У 3. вежби није добро 4 и 7.- Као код Ђурђевића и Марјановићеве.

  6. Vežba 2.(101.strana)
    1. Our luggage is in the car.
    2. Their progress has been evident.
    3. He wants some information on the computers you make.
    4. Don't be afraid to ask for an advice when ordering a meal.
    5. The relationship was never going to work, but it was fun while it lasted.
    6. What bad weather we had yesterday!

    Vežba 3.(101.strana)
    1. Chief-chiefs
    2. Half-halves
    3. Loaf-loaves
    4. Ox-oxen
    5. Familiy-families
    6. Foot-feet
    7. Kilo-kilos
    8. Potato-potatoes
    9. Match-matches

    Vežba 4.(101.strana)
    1.Social media affects young people.
    2.Music has a positive effect on the human mind.
    3.Health and beauty is affected by your lifestyle.
    4.Society is affected by mass unemployment.
    5.You can have effects on your education.
    6.My life is affected only by my choices.

    Vežba 1.(104.strana)
    1. Increasingly
    2. Go up
    3. Expand
    4. Furthermore
    5. Assignment
    6. Transform

    Vežba 2.(104.strana)
    1. Access
    2. Significant
    3. Drawback
    4. Expend
    5. Assignments
    6. Features

    Vežba 3.(104.strana)
    1. College classmates
    2. Social media
    3. Keep in touch
    4. Mass promotion
    5. Interesting features
    6. Significant drawback
    7. Affect one's life

    1. Као код Стевића- погледај коментар

  7. Vežba 2 (101.strana)
    1. Our luggage is in the car.
    2. Their progres has been evident.
    3. He wants some information on the computets you make.
    4. Don't be afraid to Ask for some advice when ordering a meal.
    5. The relationship was never going to work, but it was fun while it lasted.
    6. What a Bad wather we had yesterday!

    Vežba 3 (101.strana)
    1. Chief - chiefs
    2. Half - halves
    3. Loaf - loaves
    4. Ox - oxen
    5. Familiy - families
    6. Foot - feet
    7. Kilo - kilos
    8. Potato - potatoes
    9. Match - matches

    Vežba 4 (101.strana)
    1. Social media effects on mental health.
    2. Music affects the brain.
    3. Good diet affects health and beauty.
    4. Society is affected by crime.
    5. What are the effects of online education on health?
    6. My life doesn't affect yours.

    Vežba 1 (104.strana)
    1. Increasingly
    2. Go up
    3. Expend
    4. Furthermore
    5. Assignments
    6. Transform

    Vežba 2 (104.strana)
    1. Access
    2. Significant
    3. Drawback
    4. Expend
    5. Assignments
    6. Features

    Vežba 3 (104.strana)
    1. College classmates
    2. Social media
    3. Keep in touch
    4. Mass promotion
    5. Interesting features
    6. Significant drawback
    7. Affect one's life

    1. Ти си овде радио 4. вежбу, а за остале погледај под коментарима које сам већ дала. 4.(1) нема предлог. остале су добре., Али поента је да радите сви- свако за себе.

  8. 101.strana-2. vežba
    1. Our luggage is in the car.
    2. Their progress has been evident.
    3. He wants some information on the computers you make.
    4. Don't be afraid to ask for an advice when ordering a meal.
    5. The relationship was never going to work, but it was fun while it lasted.
    6. What bad weather we had yesterday!

    1. Chief-chiefs
    2. Half-halves
    3. Loaf-loaves
    4. Ox-oxen
    5. Familiy-families
    6. Foot-feet
    7. Kilo-kilos
    8. Potato-potatoes
    9. Match-matches

    1.Social media affects young people.
    2.Music has a positive effect on the human mind.
    3.Health and beauty is affected by your lifestyle.
    4.Society is affected by mass unemployment.
    5.You can have effects on your education.
    6.My life is affected only by my choices.

    1. Increasingly
    2. Go up
    3. Expand
    4. Furthermore
    5. Assignment
    6. Transform

    1. Access
    2. Significant
    3. Drawback
    4. Expend
    5. Assignments
    6. Features

    1. College classmates
    2. Social media
    3. Keep in touch
    4. Mass promotion
    5. Interesting features
    6. Significant drawback
    7. Affect one's life

  9. 101. strana - 2. vežba
    1. Our luggage is in the car.
    2. Their progress has been evident.
    3. He wants some information on the computers you make.
    4. Don't be afraid to ask for an advice when ordering a meal.
    5. The relationship was never going to work, but it was fun while it lasted.
    6. What bad weather we had yesterday!

    101. strana - 3. vežba
    1. Chief-chiefs
    2. Half-halves
    3. Loaf-loaves
    4. Ox-oxen
    5. Familiy-families
    6. Foot-feet
    7. Kilo-kilos
    8. Potato-potatoes
    9. Match-matches

    101. strana - 4. vežba
    1.Social media affects young people.
    2. Music effects on human body and mental health.
    3. Health and beauty can be affected by lifestyle.
    4.Society is affected by mass unemployment.
    5.You can have effects on your education.
    6.My life is affected only by my choices.

    104. strana - 1. vežba
    1. Increasingly
    2. Go up
    3. Expand
    4. Furthermore
    5. Assignment
    6. Transform

    104. strana - 2. vežba
    1. Access
    2. Significant
    3. Drawback
    4. Expand
    5. Assignments
    6. Features

    104. strana - 3. vežba
    1. College classmates
    2. Social media
    3. Keep in touch
    4. Mass promotion
    5. Interesting features
    6. Significant drawback
    7. Affect one's life

    1. Ово јр као код Стевића само са варијантом 4.вежбе-2. реченица није добра, а остале погледај коментар код њега.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Vežba 2 (101.strana)
    1. Our luggage is in the car.
    2. Their progres has been evident.
    3. He wants some information on the computets you make.
    4. Don't be afraid to Ask for some advice when ordering a meal.
    5. The relationship was never going to work, but it was fun while it lasted.
    6. What a Bad wather we had yesterday!

    Vežba 3 (101.strana)
    1. Chief - chiefs
    2. Half - halves
    3. Loaf - loaves
    4. Ox - oxen
    5. Familiy - families
    6. Foot - feet
    7. Kilo - kilos
    8. Potato - potatoes
    9. Match - matches

    Vežba 4 (101.strana)
    1. Social media affects the lives of many teenagers.
    2. Classical music has had a great effect on children.
    3. Working-out affects our health and beauty.
    4. Society is affected by coronavirus.
    5. Education has good effect our on your future.
    6. My friends have had a good effect on my life.

    Vežba 1 (104.strana)
    1. Increasingly
    2. Go up
    3. Expend
    4. Furthermore
    5. Assignments
    6. Transform

    Vežba 2 (104.strana)
    1. Access
    2. Significant
    3. Drawback
    4. Expend
    5. Assignments
    6. Features

    Vežba 3 (104.strana)
    1. College classmates
    2. Social media
    3. Keep in touch
    4. Mass promotion
    5. Interesting features
    6. Significant drawback
    7. Affect one's life

    1. 4. си урадио сам остало је идентично ранијем раду, па погледај.4. је добра, осим ситнијих грешака.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Vežba 2 (101. strana)
    1. Our luggage is in the car.
    2. Their progres has been evident.
    3. He wants some information on the computets you make.
    4. Don't be afraid to Ask for some advice when ordering a meal.
    5. The relationship was never going to work, but it was fun while it lasted.
    6. What a Bad wather we had yesterday!

    Vežba 3 (101.strana)
    1. Chief - chiefs
    2. Half - halves
    3. Loaf - loaves
    4. Ox - oxen
    5. Familiy - families
    6. Foot - feet
    7. Kilo - kilos
    8. Potato - potatoes
    9. Match - matches

    Vežba 4 (101. strana)
    1. Social media affects society.
    2. Music effect on brain.
    3. Health and beauty is affected by social media.
    4. Society is affected by technology.
    5. Education has good effect on your mistakes from the past.
    6. My life is affected by the environment in which I live.

    Vežba 1 (104. strana)
    1. Increasingly
    2. Go up
    3. Expend
    4. Furthermore
    5. Assignments
    6. Transform

    Vežba 2 (104. strana)
    1. Access
    2. Significant
    3. Drawback
    4. Expend
    5. Assignments
    6. Features

    Vežba 3 (104. strana)
    1. College classmates
    2. Social media
    3. Keep in touch
    4. Mass promotion
    5. Interesting features
    6. Significant drawback
    7. Affect one's life

    1. Четврту си урадио, а 1., 1., и 2. већ постоје идентичне. У 4. није добра 2.,3. а 5. је збуњујућа.

  14. Vežba 2.(101. strana )
    1. Our luggage is in the car.
    2. Their progress has been evident.
    3. He wants some information on the computers you make.
    4. Don't be afraid to ask for an advice when ordering a meal.
    5. The relationship was never going to work, but it was fun while it lasted.
    6. What bad weather we had yesterday!

    Vežba 3.(101.strana )
    1. Chief-chiefs
    2. Half-halves
    3. Loaf-loaves
    4. Ox-oxen
    5. Familiy-families
    6. Foot-feet
    7. Kilo-kilos
    8. Potato-potatoes
    9. Match-matches

    Vežba 4.(101.strana)
    1.Social media affects young people.
    2.Music has a positive effect on the human mind.
    3.Health and beauty is affected by your lifestyle.
    4.Society is affected by mass unemployment.
    5.You can have effects on your education.
    6.My life is affected only by my choices.

    Vežba 1.(104.strana)
    1. Increasingly
    2. Go up
    3. Expand
    4. Furthermore
    5. Assignment
    6. Transform

    Vežba 2.(104.strana)
    1. Access
    2. Significant
    3. Drawback
    4. Expend
    5. Assignments
    6. Features

    Vežba 3.(104.strana)
    1. College classmates
    2. Social media
    3. Keep in touch
    4. Mass promotion
    5. Interesting features
    6. Significant drawback
    7. Affect one's life

  15. Sara Djukanovic E11
    Vežba 2.-101.strana
    1. Our luggage is in the car.
    2. Their progress has been evident.
    3. He wants some information on the computers you make.
    4. Don't be afraid to ask for an advice when ordering a meal.
    5. The relationship was never going to work, but it was fun while it lasted.
    6. What bad weather we had yesterday!

    Vežba 3.-101.strana
    1. Chief-chiefs
    2. Half-halves
    3. Loaf-loaves
    4. Ox-oxen
    5. Familiy-families
    6. Foot-feet
    7. Kilo-kilos
    8. Potato-potatoes
    9. Match-matches

    Vežba 4.101.-strana
    1.Social media affects young people.
    2.Music has a positive effect on the human mind.
    3.Health and beauty is affected by your lifestyle.
    4.Society is affected by mass unemployment.
    5.You can have effects on your education.
    6.My life is affected only by my choices.

    Vežba 1.-104.strana
    1. Increasingly
    2. Go up
    3. Expand
    4. Furthermore
    5. Assignment
    6. Transform

    Vežba 2.-104.strana
    1. Access
    2. Significant
    3. Drawback
    4. Expend
    5. Assignments
    6. Features

    Vežba 3.-104.strana
    1. College classmates
    2. Social media
    3. Keep in touch
    4. Mass promotion
    5. Interesting features
    6. Significant drawback
    7. Affect one's life

  16. 2. vežba 101.strana
    1. Our luggage is in the car.
    2. Their progress has been evident.
    3. He wants some information on the computers you make.
    4. Don't be afraid to ask for an advice when ordering a meal.
    5. The relationship was never going to work, but it was fun while it lasted.
    6. What bad weather we had yesterday!

    3. vežba 101.strana
    1. Chief-chiefs
    2. Half-halves
    3. Loaf-loaves
    4. Ox-oxen
    5. Familiy-families
    6. Foot-feet
    7. Kilo-kilos
    8. Potato-potatoes
    9. Match-matches

    4. vežba 101.strana
    1.Social media affects young people.
    2.Music has a positive effect on the human mind.
    3.Health and beauty is affected by your lifestyle.
    4.Society is affected by mass unemployment.
    5.You can have effects on your education.
    6.My life is affected only by my choices.

    1. vežba 104.strana
    1. Increasingly
    2. Go up
    3. Expand
    4. Furthermore
    5. Assignment
    6. Transform

    2. vežba 104.strana
    1. Access
    2. Significant
    3. Drawback
    4. Expend
    5. Assignments
    6. Features

    3. vežba 104.strana
    1. College classmates
    2. Social media
    3. Keep in touch
    4. Mass promotion
    5. Interesting features
    6. Significant drawback
    7. Affect one's life

  17. Anastasija Nenadović E-11
    101.strana-2. vežba
    1. Our luggage is in the car.
    2. Their progress has been evident.
    3. He wants some information on the computers you make.
    4. Don't be afraid to ask for an advice when ordering a meal.
    5. The relationship was never going to work, but it was fun while it lasted.
    6. What bad weather we had yesterday!

    1. Chief-chiefs
    2. Half-halves
    3. Loaf-loaves
    4. Ox-oxen
    5. Familiy-families
    6. Foot-feet
    7. Kilo-kilos
    8. Potato-potatoes
    9. Match-matches

    1.Social media affects young people.
    2.Music has a positive effect on the human mind.
    3.Health and beauty is affected by your lifestyle.
    4.Society is affected by mass unemployment.
    5.You can have effects on your education.
    6.My life is affected only by my choices.

    1. Increasingly
    2. Go up
    3. Expand
    4. Furthermore
    5. Assignment
    6. Transform

    1. Access
    2. Significant
    3. Drawback
    4. Expend
    5. Assignments
    6. Features

    1. College classmates
    2. Social media
    3. Keep in touch
    4. Mass promotion
    5. Interesting features
    6. Significant drawback
    7. Affect one's life

    1. Коментар као код Стевића осим в.2-р.4...

  18. Извињавам се за кашњење, такође моја књига није као код других(издање из 2015) па на 101 имам само 2 вежбе које се раде

    3)моја 3. има једну реченицу више
    1.Our luggage is in the car
    2. Their progres has been evident.
    3.He wants an information on computers you make.
    4.Dont be afraidto ask for an advece when ordering a meal.
    5. His trousers were too long.
    6. The relationshipwas never going to work but it was fan while it lasted.
    7. What a bad weather we had yesterday!


    2.going up


    2.social media
    4.mass promotion
    6.increasing numbers of users
    7. Un completed assignments

    1. Никад није касно...3.3-some information 6. fun not fan. U 2.v. 5. nije dobro, a 3. ve\ba ti je verovano dobra??? Mo\da bi mogao neko da ti slika stranice sa doma'im yadacima???

  19. Predrag Savatic E11

    Vežba 3.(101.strana)
    1. Chief-chiefs
    2. Half-halves
    3. Loaf-loaves
    4. Ox-oxen
    5. Familiy-families
    6. Foot-feet
    7. Kilo-kilos
    8. Potato-potatoes
    9. Match-matches

    Vežba 2.(101.strana)
    1. Our luggage is in the car.
    2. Their progres has been evident.
    3. He wants some information on the computets you make.
    4. Don't be afraid to Ask for some advice when ordering a meal.
    5. The relationship was never going to work, but it was fun while it lasted.
    6. What a Bad wather we had yesterday!

    Vežba 4.(101.strana)
    1. Social media effects on young people.
    2. Music effects on human body and mental health.
    3. Health and beauty can be affected by lifestyle.
    4. Social Is affected by violence in the media.
    5. How education Is affected by technology.
    6. My life doesnt affect you.

    Vežba 3.(104.strana)
    1. College classmates
    2. Social media
    3. Keep in touch
    4. Masa promotion
    5. Interesting features
    6. Significant drawback
    7. Affect ones life

    Vežba 2.(104.strana)
    1. Access
    2. Significant
    3. Drawback
    4. Expend
    5. Assignments
    6. Features

    Vežba 1.(104.strana)
    1. Increasingly
    2. Go up
    3. Expend
    4. Furthermore
    5. Assignments
    6. Transform

    1. Ово ти је исто као код Ђурђевића, па погледај коментар код њега....

  20. 101. Strana (3. Vežba)
    1.Our luggage is in the car.
    2. Their progres has been evident.
    3.He wants an information on computers you make.
    4.Dont be afraid to ask for an advice when ordering a meal.
    5. His trousers were too long.
    6. The relationshipwas never going to work but it was fun while it lasted.
    7. What a bad weather we had yesterday!

    101. Strana (4.vežba)

    104. Strana (1. Vežba)
    2.going up 

    104. Strana (2. Vežba)

    104. Strana (3. Vežba)
    2. Social media
    3. Keep in touch
    4. Mass promotion
    5. Interesting features
    6. Significiant drawback
    7. Affect one's life

  21. Vežba 2.(101.strana)
    1. Our luggage is in the car.
    2. Their progres has been evident.
    3. He wants some information on the computets you make.
    4. Don't be afraid to Ask for some advice when ordering a meal.
    5. The relationship was never going to work, but it was fun while it lasted.
    6. What a Bad wather we had yesterday!

    Vežba 3.(101.strana )
    1. Chief-chiefs
    2. Half-halves
    3. Loaf-loaves
    4. Ox-oxen
    5. Familiy-families
    6. Foot-feet
    7. Kilo-kilos
    8. Potato-potatoes
    9. Match-matches

    Vežba 4.(101.strana)
    1. Social media effects on young people.
    2. Music effects on human body and mental health.
    3. Health and beauty can be affected by lifestyle.
    4. Social Is affected by violence in the media.
    5. How education Is affected by technology.
    6. My life doesnt affect you.

    Vežba 1 (104.strana)
    1. Increasingly
    2. Go up
    3. Expend
    4. Furthermore
    5. Assignments
    6. Transform

    Vežba 2 (104.strana)
    1. Access
    2. Significant
    3. Drawback
    4. Expend
    5. Assignments
    6. Features

    Vežba 3 (104.strana)
    1. College classmates
    2. Social media
    3. Keep in touch
    4. Mass promotion
    5. Interesting features
    6. Significant drawback
    7. Affect one's life

  22. Vežba 2 (101.strana)
    1. Our luggage is in the car.
    2. Their progres has been evident.
    3. He wants some information on the computets you make.
    4. Don't be afraid to Ask for some advice when ordering a meal.
    5. The relationship was never going to work, but it was fun while it lasted.
    6. What a Bad wather we had yesterday!

    Vežba 3 (101.strana)
    1. Chief - chiefs
    2. Half - halves
    3. Loaf - loaves
    4. Ox - oxen
    5. Familiy - families
    6. Foot - feet
    7. Kilo - kilos
    8. Potato - potatoes
    9. Match - matches

    Vežba 4 (101.strana)
    1. Social media affects the lives of many teenagers.
    2. Classical music has had a great effect on children.
    3. Working-out affects our health and beauty.
    4. Society is affected by coronavirus.
    5. Education has good effect our on your future.
    6. My friends have had a good effect on my life.

    Vežba 1 (104.strana)
    1. Increasingly
    2. Go up
    3. Expend
    4. Furthermore
    5. Assignments
    6. Transform

    Vežba 2 (104.strana)
    1. Access
    2. Significant
    3. Drawback
    4. Expend
    5. Assignments
    6. Features

    Vežba 3 (104.strana)
    1. College classmates
    2. Social media
    3. Keep in touch
    4. Mass promotion
    5. Interesting features
    6. Significant drawback
    7. Affect one's life

  23. Vežba 2. - 101.strana
    1. Our luggage is in the car.
    2. Their progress has been evident.
    3. He wants some information on the computers you make.
    4. Don't be afraid to ask for an advice when ordering a meal.
    5. The relationship was never going to work, but it was fun while it lasted.
    6. What bad weather we had yesterday!

    Vežba 3. - 101.strana
    1. Chief - chiefs
    2. Half - halves
    3. Loaf - loaves
    4. Ox - oxen
    5. Familiy - families
    6. Foot - feet
    7. Kilo - kilos
    8. Potato - potatoes
    9. Match - matches

    Vežba 4. - 101.strana
    1.Social media affects young people.
    2.Music has a positive effect on the human mind.
    3.Health and beauty is affected by your lifestyle.
    4.Society is affected by mass unemployment.
    5.You can have effects on your education.
    6.My life is affected only by my choices.

    Vežba 1. - 104.strana
    1. Increasingly
    2. Go up
    3. Expand
    4. Furthermore
    5. Assignment
    6. Transform

    Vežba 2. - 104.strana
    1. Access
    2. Significant
    3. Drawback
    4. Expend
    5. Assignments
    6. Features

    Vežba 3. - 104.strana
    1. College classmates.
    2. Social media.
    3. Keep in touch.
    4. Mass promotion.
    5. Interesting features.
    6. Significant drawback.
    7. Affect one's life.

    1. Ово је као Стевић-а 2. вежба као Ђурђевић...

  24. Vežba 2.(101.strana)
    1. Our luggage is in the car.
    2. Their progress has been evident.
    3. He wants some information on the computers you make.
    4. Don't be afraid to ask for an advice when ordering a meal.
    5. The relationship was never going to work, but it was fun while it lasted.
    6. What bad weather we had yesterday!

    Vežba 3.(101.strana)
    1. Chief-chiefs
    2. Half-halves
    3. Loaf-loaves
    4. Ox-oxen
    5. Familiy-families
    6. Foot-feet
    7. Kilo-kilos
    8. Potato-potatoes
    9. Match-matches

    Vežba 4.(101.strana)
    1.Social media affects young people.
    2.Music has a positive effect on the human mind.
    3.Health and beauty is affected by your lifestyle.
    4.Society is affected by mass unemployment.
    5.You can have effects on your education.
    6.My life is affected only by my choices.

    Vežba 1.(104.strana)
    1. Increasingly
    2. Go up
    3. Expand
    4. Furthermore
    5. Assignment
    6. Transform

    Vežba 2.(104.strana)
    1. Access
    2. Significant
    3. Drawback
    4. Expend
    5. Assignments
    6. Features

    Vežba 3.(104.strana)
    1. College classmates
    2. Social media
    3. Keep in touch
    4. Mass promotion
    5. Interesting features
    6. Significant drawback
    7. Affect one's life

  25. Vežba 2.(101.strana)
    1. Our luggage is in the car.
    2. Their progress has been evident.
    3. He wants some information on the computers you make.
    4. Don't be afraid to ask for an advice when ordering a meal.
    5. The relationship was never going to work, but it was fun while it lasted.
    6. What bad weather we had yesterday!

    Vežba 3.(101.strana)
    1. Chief-chiefs
    2. Half-halves
    3. Loaf-loaves
    4. Ox-oxen
    5. Familiy-families
    6. Foot-feet
    7. Kilo-kilos
    8. Potato-potatoes
    9. Match-matches

    Vežba 4.(101.strana)
    1.Social media affects young people.
    2.Music has a positive effect on the human mind.
    3.Health and beauty is affected by your lifestyle.
    4.Society is affected by mass unemployment.
    5.You can have effects on your education.
    6.My life is affected only by my choices.

    Vežba 1.(104.strana)
    1. Increasingly
    2. Go up
    3. Expand
    4. Furthermore
    5. Assignment
    6. Transform

    Vežba 2.(104.strana)
    1. Access
    2. Significant
    3. Drawback
    4. Expend
    5. Assignments
    6. Features

    Vežba 3.(104.strana)
    1. College classmates
    2. Social media
    3. Keep in touch
    4. Mass promotion
    5. Interesting features
    6. Significant drawback
    7. Affect one's life

  26. Vežba 2 (101.strana)
    1. Our luggage is in the car.
    2. Their progres has been evident.
    3. He wants some information on the computets you make.
    4. Don't be afraid to Ask for some advice when ordering a meal.
    5. The relationship was never going to work, but it was fun while it lasted.
    6. What a Bad wather we had yesterday!

    Vežba 3 (101.strana)
    1. Chief - chiefs
    2. Half - halves
    3. Loaf - loaves
    4. Ox - oxen
    5. Familiy - families
    6. Foot - feet
    7. Kilo - kilos
    8. Potato - potatoes
    9. Match - matches

    Vežba 4 (101.strana)
    1. Social media affects the lives of many teenagers.
    2. Classical music has had a great effect on children.
    3. Working-out affects our health and beauty.
    4. Society is affected by coronavirus.
    5. Education has good effect our on your future.
    6. My friends have had a good effect on my life.

    Vežba 1 (104.strana)
    1. Increasingly
    2. Go up
    3. Expend
    4. Furthermore
    5. Assignments
    6. Transform

    Vežba 2 (104.strana)
    1. Access
    2. Significant
    3. Drawback
    4. Expend
    5. Assignments
    6. Features

    Vežba 3 (104.strana)
    1. College classmates
    2. Social media
    3. Keep in touch
    4. Mass promotion
    5. Interesting features
    6. Significant drawback
    7. Affect one's life

    1. Ђурђевић /Глишић комбинација- мало исправљена. Немојте бити лењи...

  27. Vežba 2.(101.strana)
    1. Our luggage is in the car.
    2. Their progress has been evident.
    3. He wants some information on the computers you make.
    4. Don't be afraid to ask for an advice when ordering a meal.
    5. The relationship was never going to work, but it was fun while it lasted.
    6. What bad weather we had yesterday!

    Vežba 3.(101.strana)
    1. Chief-chiefs
    2. Half-halves
    3. Loaf-loaves
    4. Ox-oxen
    5. Familiy-families
    6. Foot-feet
    7. Kilo-kilos
    8. Potato-potatoes
    9. Match-matches

    Vežba 4.(101.strana)
    1.Social media affects young people.
    2.Music has a positive effect on the human mind.
    3.Health and beauty is affected by your lifestyle.
    4.Society is affected by mass unemployment.
    5.You can have effects on your education.
    6.My life is affected only by my choices.

    Vežba 1.(104.strana)
    1. Increasingly
    2. Go up
    3. Expand
    4. Furthermore
    5. Assignment
    6. Transform

    Vežba 2.(104.strana)
    1. Access
    2. Significant
    3. Drawback
    4. Expend
    5. Assignments
    6. Features

    Vežba 3.(104.strana)
    1. College classmates
    2. Social media
    3. Keep in touch
    4. Mass promotion
    5. Interesting features
    6. Significant drawback
    7. Affect one's life

  28. Vežba 2.(101.strana)
    1. Our luggage is in the car.
    2. Their progress has been evident.
    3. He wants some information on the computers you make.
    4. Don't be afraid to ask for an advice when ordering a meal.
    5. The relationship was never going to work, but it was fun while it lasted.
    6. What bad weather we had yesterday!

    Vežba 3.(101.strana)
    1. Chief-chiefs
    2. Half-halves
    3. Loaf-loaves
    4. Ox-oxen
    5. Familiy-families
    6. Foot-feet
    7. Kilo-kilos
    8. Potato-potatoes
    9. Match-matches

    Vežba 4.(101.strana)
    1.Social media affects young people.
    2.Music has a positive effect on the human mind.
    3.Health and beauty is affected by your lifestyle.
    4.Society is affected by mass unemployment.
    5.You can have effects on your education.
    6.My life is affected only by my choices.

    Vežba 1.(104.strana)
    1. Increasingly
    2. Go up
    3. Expand
    4. Furthermore
    5. Assignment
    6. Transform

    Vežba 2.(104.strana)
    1. Access
    2. Significant
    3. Drawback
    4. Expend
    5. Assignments
    6. Features

    Vežba 3.(104.strana)
    1. College classmates
    2. Social media
    3. Keep in touch
    4. Mass promotion
    5. Interesting features
    6. Significant drawback
    7. Affect one's life

  29. Vežba 2.(101.strana)
    1. Our luggage is in the car.
    2. Their progress has been evident.
    3. He wants some information on the computers you make.
    4. Don't be afraid to ask for an advice when ordering a meal.
    5. The relationship was never going to work, but it was fun while it lasted.
    6. What bad weather we had yesterday!

    Vežba 3.(101.strana)
    1. Chief-chiefs
    2. Half-halves
    3. Loaf-loaves
    4. Ox-oxen
    5. Familiy-families
    6. Foot-feet
    7. Kilo-kilos
    8. Potato-potatoes
    9. Match-matches

    Vežba 4.(101.strana)
    1.Social media affects young people.
    2.Music has a positive effect on the human mind.
    3.Health and beauty is affected by your lifestyle.
    4.Society is affected by mass unemployment.
    5.You can have effects on your education.
    6.My life is affected only by my choices.

    Vežba 1.(104.strana)
    1. Increasingly
    2. Go up
    3. Expand
    4. Furthermore
    5. Assignment
    6. Transform

    Vežba 2.(104.strana)
    1. Access
    2. Significant
    3. Drawback
    4. Expend
    5. Assignments
    6. Features

    Vežba 3.(104.strana)
    1. College classmates
    2. Social media
    3. Keep in touch
    4. Mass promotion
    5. Interesting features
    6. Significant drawback
    7. Affect one's life

  30. Vežba 2 (101. strana)
    1. Our luggage is in the car.
    2. Their progres has been evident.
    3. He wants some information on the computets you make.
    4. Don't be afraid to Ask for some advice when ordering a meal.
    5. The relationship was never going to work, but it was fun while it lasted.
    6. What a Bad wather we had yesterday!

    Vežba 3 (101.strana)
    1. Chief - chiefs
    2. Half - halves
    3. Loaf - loaves
    4. Ox - oxen
    5. Familiy - families
    6. Foot - feet
    7. Kilo - kilos
    8. Potato - potatoes
    9. Match - matches

    Vežba 4 (101. strana)
    1. Social media affects society.
    2. Music effect on brain.
    3. Health and beauty is affected by social media.
    4. Society is affected by technology.
    5. Education has good effect on your mistakes from the past.
    6. My life is affected by the environment in which I live.

    Vežba 1 (104. strana)
    1. Increasingly
    2. Go up
    3. Expend
    4. Furthermore
    5. Assignments
    6. Transform

    Vežba 2 (104. strana)
    1. Access
    2. Significant
    3. Drawback
    4. Expend
    5. Assignments
    6. Features

    Vežba 3 (104. strana)
    1. College classmates
    2. Social media
    3. Keep in touch
    4. Mass promotion
    5. Interesting features
    6. Significant drawback
    7. Affect one's life

    1. Драги Комадара- ово је домаћи за први разред. Колико знам, ти не идеш у први разред. Треба да предате задатак који важи за вас. Погледајте шта вам је задатак , па га урадите. П.С. Поздрави друштво из одељења.

  31. Vežba 2.(101.strana)
    1. Our luggage is in the car.
    2. Their progres has been evident.
    3. He wants some information on the computets you make.
    4. Don't be afraid to Ask for some advice when ordering a meal.
    5. The relationship was never going to work, but it was fun while it lasted.
    6. What a Bad wather we had yesterday!

    Vežba 3.(101.strana)
    1. Chief-chiefs
    2. Half-halves
    3. Loaf-loaves
    4. Ox-oxen
    5. Familiy-families
    6. Foot-feet
    7. Kilo-kilos
    8. Potato-potatoes
    9. Match-matches

    Vežba 4.(101.strana)
    1. Social media effects on young people.
    2. Music effects on human body and mental health.
    3. Health and beauty can be affected by lifestyle.
    4. Social Is affected by violence in the media.
    5. How education Is affected by technology.
    6. My life doesnt affect you.

    Vežba 1.(104.strana)
    1. Increasingly
    2. Go up
    3. Expend
    4. Furthermore
    5. Assignments
    6. Transform

    Vežba 2.(104.strana)
    1. Access
    2. Significant
    3. Drawback
    4. Expend
    5. Assignments
    6. Features

    Vežba 3.(104.strana)
    1. College classmates
    2. Social media
    3. Keep in touch
    4. Masa promotion
    5. Interesting features
    6. Significant drawback
    7. Affect ones life

  32. Vežba 2.(101.strana)
    1. Our luggage is in the car.
    2. Their progress has been evident.
    3. He wants some information on the computers you make.
    4. Don't be afraid to ask for an advice when ordering a meal.
    5. The relationship was never going to work, but it was fun while it lasted.
    6. What bad weather we had yesterday!

    Vežba 3.(101.strana)
    1. Chief-chiefs
    2. Half-halves
    3. Loaf-loaves
    4. Ox-oxen
    5. Familiy-families
    6. Foot-feet
    7. Kilo-kilos
    8. Potato-potatoes
    9. Match-matches

    Vežba 4.(101.strana)
    1.Social media affects young people.
    2.Music has a positive effect on the human mind.
    3.Health and beauty is affected by your lifestyle.
    4.Society is affected by mass unemployment.
    5.You can have effects on your education.
    6.My life is affected only by my choices.

    Vezba 1(104. strana)
    2.Go up

    Vezba 2 (104 strana)

    Vezba 3(strana 104)
    2.Social media
    3.Keep in touch
    4.Mass promotion
    5.Interesting features
    6.Significant drawbacks
    7.Affect one's life

    Dusan Kovacevic


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