среда 18.03.2020.
Добар дан,
ова објава се односи на одељењљ Г41,Е23 иМ31.
Уколико на буде јасно, контактирајте ме и тражите помоћ.
Г41- Почињемо нову област- стр.101. Тема је друштво и проблеми у њему. Задатак је да ишчитате страну и доставите ми која 2 проблема су по вама најизраженија код нас уз образложење зашто (у неколико реченица).
Е23- стр.73, 74 и 75. Учите ПРЕПРИЧАВАЊЕ -DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH (стр. 73) (што сте и раније радили) али уз ново правило- ПРАВИЛО О СЛАГАЊУ ВРЕМЕНА- THE SEQUENCE OF TENSES (стр.74). Како му и сам назив каже то је правило по коме морате да водите рачуна које граматичко време ћете употребити у зависној реченици уколико главна реченица има глагол у прошлом времену.Код препричавања је то углавном случај (Он ми је рекао..He told me.. Она ме је замолила...She asked me.. Ми смо их питали...We asked them...). то правило подразумева да препричана реченица мора имати глагол померен за време уназад у односу на време глагола директне реченице- стр.74-табела коју треба да попуните по упутству (мењајући глагол како вам је наглашено). Тих седам реченица са 74. стр. су вам домаћи, а са стр.75 ћете изабрати још по једну реченицу из вежби 1 и 2.
М31-Данашња тема је ПАСИВ/ТРПНО ГЛАГОЛСКО СТАЊЕ на стр.42/43. На 43.стр. ћете урадити табелу са примерима различитих времена пасива из текста.Ишчитаћете 5.,6. и 7. вежбу , као и граматички део на 147.стр. Домаћи су вам реченице из вежбе 9 и 10 на стр.43 (бар по 2 треба да доставите).
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ReplyDeleteThe biggest problems in my country are unemployment and inequality.
ReplyDeleteAbout 10% of the people are unemployed (represents about 300 000 people). Many more among those who are employed are highly overqualified but forced to work there in lack of other options.
The other problem my country is facing is inequality. It's reflected in many ways such as income inequality, gender inequality, corruption which leads to inequality and the list goes on.
Very good, except minor mistakes-income level.
DeleteIn our country one of the biggest problems is poverty. There is not enough jobs and government provided welfare is not sufficient.
ReplyDeleteDomestic violence is another big problem. In most cases men commit violence against women but it often goes unnoticed because women are afraid to report it, talk to someone and get the help.
Добро, мада мало неорганизовано-оцена 3
DeleteThe biggest problems in our country are poverty and unemployment. Our salaries are low. Some people have more than one job so they can feed their families. Also, there is a lot of young people who can not find jobs in our country. We are forced to send messages to pay medical bills for sick children, and the government does not want to participate in that. There are also many homeless people, and also kids in the street. Instead of help, people who are trying to earn some money by selling food, clothes or other supplies, get prison sentence.
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DeleteVery good, but you mentioned more than 2 major problems - 4+
DeleteTwo most common issues in our region are unemployment which carries poverty along and discrimination, these two are surely related and it's easier to explain them. If we had less unemployed people, the number of poverty would be a lot lighter. If we want to have less unemployed people we have to stop discriminating different types of people, for example, people with disabilities or people with different skin colour. Those are some examples but there are many more types and we should treat them the same because our actions are the thing that represents us, not our appearance.
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ReplyDeleteМало збркано, али у реду-и језички проблеми-number of poverty- number of poor people; lighter number-lesser number...оцена 3+
DeleteВељко Скорић Г-41
ReplyDeleteIn my country, Serbia, there are many problems but the biggest among many today youth faces is violence and drug abuse. Various inadequate TV programs make things worse because the youth looks up to bad role models.
Drug abuse is in expansion and is widely available. Users of these opiates are more and more young populations.
Violence escalates from day to day and it is getting harder to get in the way of it. Youngsters are of opinion that the violence is an easy way to get popular but it is wrong and very often it has deadly outcome.
Добро је Вељко, мада има грешака језичких и граматичких-оцена 2+
DeleteDjordje Tadić G-41
ReplyDeleteIn Serbia unemployment is a big problem. There are many people who have high level of education but can't find a job. Huge number of people choose to leave the country in searching of better life.
Another big problem is poverty. A lot of people don't have enough money for their basic needs and government provided welfare is not sufficient.
Тдићу, што не рече раније да ти само дајем да пишеш??? Оцена-3
DeleteOne of the problems is certainly unemployment. There are not enough jobs for people in Serbia and they are forced to seek jobs abroad. More and more young people are unemployed even though they have completed college.
ReplyDeleteAlso another major problem in our country is drugs. There is more and more drugs in the streets and it is very easy to reach it today. The biggest problem with drugs is that it is mostly used by younger generations.
I think there are more than 2 major problems in Serbia...
Добро, али пази ...there IS MORE and MORE... -не можеш да дозволиш такве грешке, али заокружен став-оцена - 3+
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ReplyDeleteInequality and unemplayment are the biggest problems my country is facing today. Precentage of unemplayed people is 10%. Thats about 300 000 people. Causes of unemplayment are mostly lack of productivity, overpopulation, low level of education, underdevelopment ect.
ReplyDeleteInequality in different aspects of life is definetely noticable. For evample, income inequality is really high. According to data from 2017, income distribution inequality was 9,4 which means that 20% of welthiest population in the Serbia had almost ten times higher eqvivalent income than 20% of the poorest.
Претпостављам да су цифре аутентичне? Новинарски стил, а не знам шта је higher eqvivalent income? -ocena 4
DeleteAnđela Rajević G41
ReplyDeleteUnemployment is one of the biggest issues in our country, a lot of people can't find job in their profession even if they have certificate. In more developed countries young people have part time jobs and here we can't hire people with college. More and more people are forced to go abroad for better chances of finding jobs. Inequality is one of the main problems too, we can see in so many aspects, inequality in genders, income inequality then there is economic inequality seen in population groups and much more...
DeleteJovana Djurdjevic G41
ReplyDeleteThe biggest problems in our country are drugs and homelessness.
Drugs are easily accessible to young people. Young people use drugs for relaxation or fun and don't think about consequences that's why drugs shouldn't be as teachable as they are now. Another problem is homelessness, we can see a lot of homeless people nowadays and nobody does anything to help them. Sometimes during winter they can stay in hospitals but there is not enough space for everyone so some of them are left on the streets.
Добар 3
DeleteThe biggest problems in our country are coruption and lack of empathy. You're more likely to get a job if you can "pull some strings" at high places or in government. Also you can get away with some violations or even crimes if you have good connections. And lack of empathy because most people wouldn't help those in need and they'll think "well someone will help them" and do not understand that if everyone gave little it would eventually become very big, but who am I to talk about that...
ReplyDeleteМилош Видовић М31
ReplyDeleteThe biggest problems in my country are unemployment and inequality.
About 10% of the people are unemployed (represents about 300 000 people). Many more among those who are employed are highly overqualified but forced to work there in lack of other options.
The other problem my country is facing is inequality. It's reflected in many ways such as income inequality, gender inequality, corruption which leads to inequality and the list goes on.
Vidoviću, tebe odmah da prebacim u 4. razred- OVO NIJE TVOJ DOMAĆI- tvoj zadatak piše pod M31. Zanimljivo da raspolažeš istim podacima.