петак 20. март 2020.
Добар дан.
Захваљујем се свима на предатим задацима.Следе задаци за одељења која данас имају енглески.
Г41-текст на стр.102/103 GOLDEN AGES прочитати и, послободном избору, урадити вежбу 3, 4 или 5 на стр. 102, и предати као домаћи.
Г12-пошто смо завршили област, треба да обновите речи на стр 97 и урадите реченице у вежбама, а од тих реченица предаћете као домаћи, по две реченице по слободном избору.
Г21-за данас је предвиђено да урадите стр 67/68. Треба до научите у којим случајевима се члан изоставља/THE OMISSION OF ARTICLES ; да обновите правила за грађење множине именица/PLURAL OF NOUNS и (стр. 68) квантификаторе/QUANTIFIERS. Домаћи су вежба и табела на стр.67 и 8 реченица на стр.68.
Е22-ви данас поред редовног часа имате и час надокнаде, тако да ћете имати мало више обавеза. Први час је посвећен СЛАГАЊУ ВРЕМЕНА/THE SEQUENCE OF TENSES - што је правило у енглеском језику по коме морате да водите рачуна које граматчко време ћете употребити у завосној реченици, уколико је глагол у главној реченици у прошлом времену. Поштујући то правило код ПРЕПРИЧАВАЊА/INDIRECT SPEECH, које сте ви већ раније радили, од сада морате да промените време препричане реченице (померите га за једно време у натраг) у односу на време оригиналне/директне реченице.Тако да у оквиру првог часа треба да прочитате стр.74/73, а у оквиру другог да попуните табелу (по уоутству) на стр.74.
М23-данас треба да провежбате препричавање и слагање времена у оквиру препричавања .Провежбајте реченице на стр.75 (1 и 2) а предајте ми 2 урађене реченице са стр.79 из 3. вежбе.
МОЛБА-домаће потпишите -одељење-датум-име и презиме и предајте у `comment`. Исто тако, обришите све "непознате" знакове- оставите само оне који вам требају, да бисте оставили писмен текст.ХВАЛА.
I have always wanted to visit Athens. I have always been interested in history of Greece, Greek mythology and their architecture. I would like to see one of the most famous monuments, The Acropolis of Athens. There are also Temple of Hephaestus, Kerameikos cemetery, Temple of Olympian Zeus, Arhc of Hadrian and other beautiful monuments.
ReplyDelete-g41, exercise no5
Very good, but :THE history of Greece; THE Temple of; THE Kera..- pay attention, please.
DeleteI would like to visit Florence. There are lots of beautiful monuments and statues. On my opinion, most beautiful are statue of Hercules and Cacus, Saint Gallo Gate and statue of Dante Alighieri. This city is also called 'the most beautiful city in Italy'. Lot of tourists go to this place.
ReplyDeleteMolim autora da se potpiše.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteГ41, вежба бр. 4
ReplyDeleteSo what was the key to the creative outbursts in these three cities? First of all, they could afford it. In Athens and Florence the main deciding factor was accumulation of wealth. With slaves doing most of the hard labour and foreigners conducting all the trade and business, they had plenty of time and money to spend on culture and art. Second of all, transition to democracy. It played a role in all these societies as all citizens became more equal by law. Third of all, they all had talented people to make the best out of conditions they were in. Brilliant philosophers in Athens, outstanding painters and sculptors in Florence and great literature writers in London.
Very very good but MIND the articles, please-THE accumulation..; out of THE conditions they were in.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI have always wanted to visit London. There are plenty of places I would like to visit like Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, The Sherlock Holmes museum and many more beautiful places. Much of London history and culture is tied to River Thames so I would like to take a cruise down this world-famous waterway.
ReplyDeleteG41 exercise number 5
Very good, but London`s history; THE river Thames;
DeleteI would like to visit Florence. I really want to see Giotto's Campanile, Palazzo Vecchio, Palazzo Pitti. These places have beautiful and unique architecture. I would also like to visit the Baptistery of St. John and the Cathedral of Florence.
ReplyDeleteG41 exercise 5
Very good, Andjela.
ReplyDeleteI would like to visit Athens. That's a place with a beautiful history and architecture. Some of my favourite monuments are Acropolis and Parthenon Temples of Hephaestus. I would also like to see the Museum of the Ancient Agora and Panathenaic Stadium.
G41 exercise 5
Good, but :THE Acropolis;THE Parthenon.
DeleteM-23 Strana 79,vezba 3:
ReplyDelete1)You aren't supposed to bring food into this classroom.
2)William asked me if im going to sell my old car.
Prva rečenica je dobra, ali druga treba da bude -William aske dme if I WAS GIONG to sell my old car- morate da pomerite glagol u prepričanoj rečenici za jedno vreme unazad.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to have gone to Athens for the fact it is intriguing to me and I like to study the history of that city. It's architecture is special and fascinating. I'd like to have saw the city that was once populated by great philosophers and artists.
Ima gramatičkih grešeka-vremena- ali si lepo odgovorila na pitanje.
DeleteM23 Strana 79,vezba 3
ReplyDelete1)You aren't supposed to bring food into this classroom.
5)I wish i didn't go that awful restaurant
I wish I hadn`t gone to that awful restaurant.-treba pomeriti za vreme unazad.
DeleteM23,Strana 79,Vezba3
ReplyDelete4)Regular exercise is going to be good for your health.
5)I wish i didn't go that awful restaurant
DeleteM23,Strana 79,Vezba 3
ReplyDeleteM23 Strana 79 Vezba3
ReplyDelete2) William asked me if i'm going to sell my old car
3) Roy asked his brother did he catch any fish yesterday
Nisi dobro uradio- moraš da promeniš vreme prepričane rečenice. Pžljivo pročitaj i pravila kod prepričavanja- str.73/74.
DeleteM23,Strana 79,Vezba 3
ReplyDelete4)Regular exercise is going to be
good for your health.
5)I wish i didn't go that awful
Moraš se potpisati :M23 PeraPerić...
DeleteMilojko Blagojević
ReplyDeleteM23 Strana 79 Vezba 3
2)William asked me if i'm going
to sell mu old car.
3)Roy asked his brother did he
catch any fish yesterday.
Nisu ti baš tačne rečenice.
DeleteM23 Strana 79 Vezba3 Aleksandar Stefanovic
ReplyDelete2) William asked me if i'm going to sell my old car
3) Roy asked his brother did he catch any fish yesterday
M-23 Strana 79,vezba 3:
Delete1.You aren't supposed to bring food into this classroom.
4.Regular exercise is going to
be good for your health.
Stefanović i Aleksić su nešto zbrčkali- pazite kako predajete radove.
DeleteSlobodan Pantelic M-23
ReplyDelete1.-You can't bring food into this classroom. /supposed
-You open't supposed tobring food into this classroom.
2.-I reget going to that awful restaurant. /wish
-I wish I didn't go that awful restaurant.
Druga rečenica treba da bude: I wish I hadn`t gone to that awful restaurant.
DeleteI would like to visit Athens. I have allways wanted to see acropolis and nomerous temples and museums. Also i am bif fan of greek mythology.
ReplyDeleteG41 exercise 5
Good, THE Acropolis; poslednja rečenica nepismena
DeleteDavid Zaric M23 Strana 79 Vezba3
ReplyDelete2) William asked me if i'm going to sell my old car
3) Roy asked his brother did he catch any fish yesterday
Nije ti baš dobar domaći, ali je dobro što si uradio.
DeletePopović filip, G12
ReplyDelete1. Our capital city was wisited by many tourists ewery year.
2. The escaped prisoner was seen recently in a supermarket.
1. Our capital city IS VISITED by many tourists every year. -every year-svake godine, pa glagol mora biti u Present Simple T.
Delete2. The escaped prisoner HAS BEEN SEEN recently in supermarket.- recently-nedavno, pa glagol mora biti u Present Perfect T.
Pokušaj da uradiš neke druge 2 rečenice.
5.vežba, 102.str.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to visit Florence mainly because I like Italy as a country but especially that city. It is among most popular tourist destinations. The one thing that I like about it is that the ancient parts are very well preserved. I feel like it has much to offer.
I'd like to visit ancient Athens because it was the most prosperous city of it's time. Back in those days it was greatest trading centre in all of the Mediterranean and people from all around the known world come there so it would be a great opportunity to meet other cultures and gain certain level of knawledge, not to mention the smartest people of that era... All in all it was magnificent thing to se but today we can only speculate and admire what it was like.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMihailo Gligorić G12
ReplyDelete1. Our capital city was wisited by many tourists ewery year.
2. The escaped prisoner has been seen recently in supermarket
ок +
DeleteKRISTIJAN MARKOVIC G12 1.Our capital city was wsited bay many tourists every year. 2.the escaped prisoner has been seen recently in supermarket
ReplyDeleteRanko Antonic G12
ReplyDelete1.Our capital city was wsited bay nany tourists every year.2.the escaped prisoner has been seen recently in supermarket.
Ranko Antonic G12
ReplyDelete1.our capital city was wsited bay many tourissts every year.2.the escaped prisoner has been seen recently in supermarket
1. Our capital city is visited by many tourists every year.
ReplyDelete2. The escaped prisoner has been seen recently in supermarket.