среда 15. април 2020.

Добар дан,
све је у реду- надам се.Још мало па празник. Желим вам да га лепо проведете и да се мало опустите.

Г41- ви данас имате 2 часа- радован и надокнаду од распуста. На првом часу ћете мало да обновите текст Ратна сећања- као и прорадите речник. На стр. 113 се налази све што вам треба за данас-5., 6. и 7. вежба. Мени предајете реченице из 5. вежбе. Остало проучите-  текст и групе речи са сличним занчењем.

Е23-данас завршавате област,а на стр. 95 имате тест. За оцену 2 ћете превести речи из Key Word List (Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives), a за већу оцену урадите још и 1. или 2. вежбу из теста. Радите у свесци, потпишите и сликајте (да се лепо види-проверите) и пошаљирте на мејл.

М31-данас радите други текст ит области на стр. 56- FUTUROLOGY .Прочитаћете га и урадити 1. и2. вежбу на тој страни- мени ћете предати 2. вежбу (2 реченице:шта бисте волели и зашто; и шта не бисте волели и зашто).


  1. I would like to exist insect like robots who can repair our body, because there wouldn't be more desease.

    I wouldn' t like computers to be smarter than humans because they can 't replace human race, they don' t have feelings, they can 't take and give love, to be happy and all things that humans have.

  2. It would be interesting if people would explore our solar system because we would know what is happening on the other planets.

    I wouldn't like to exist new species which would be similar to a robot because they are much more cruel than people.

  3. Nikola Vaguric
    It would be interesting if people would explore our solar system because we would know what is happening on the other planets.

    I wouldn't like to exist new species which would be similar to a robot because they are much more cruel than people.

  4. Igor Djurdjevic
    It would be interesting if people would explore our solar system because we would know what is happening on the other planets.

    I wouldn't like to exist new species which would be similar to a robot because they are much more cruel than people.

  5. Nemanja Pavlovic

    I would like to exist computer that recognize our voices and perform our instructions,because it
    would be easier to work on computer and a quite faster.

    I wouldn' t like computers to be smarter than humans because they have not real feelings like humans,can't realize a true love and if it becomes a reality,humans we wouldn't have a purpose of life.

  6. I'd like to turn back time when I was a kid, and when we were hanging out and playing football all day.

    I don't like new technology like computers and phones. Because people don't stop using phones and computer users. No more hanging out like it was before new technology.

    1. Требало је да коментаришеш предлоге из текста... оцена 2+

  7. Nemanja Katic
    Prediction that i would like to come true is the one saying that by the year 2030 we will have technology that will help us to live longer.
    The prediction that i wouln't like to come true is the one saying that by the midel of the centtury we will have technology that will alow us to conect our brains to the computer.

    1. Лепо , али недостаје део задатка WHY?- оцена +- лепа реченица.

  8. Filip Bogicevic M31
    Prediction that i would like to come true is the one saying that by the year 2030 we will have technology that will cure cancer
    The prediction that i wouln't like to come true is the one saying that by the midel of the centtury we will have technology that will alow us to conect our brains to the computer.

    1. Па Богићевићу, могао би нешто и сам да урадиш- оцена +


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