петак 24.април 2020.
Добар дан,
надам се да сте лепо расположени.
Све вас опомињем да сваки лист домаћег почнете датумом (данашњим) и у дну (сваког) листа потпишете рад- било свеску или књигу- ДА БИСТЕ БИЛИ ОЦЕЊЕНИ.
Г 41- данас радите CONFLICT RESOLUTION / РЕШАВАЊЕ СУКОБА на стр.116/117. Домаћи за вас је вежба 1 и 2 (116). Написаћете фразале и спојити са значењима из 1. вежбе и написати једну реченицу о себи- која је резултат теста (2. вежба-на 136. вам је решење теста).
Г 12- ви сте паузирали са часовима и надам се да вам неће бити тешко да се уклопите. Данас вам је тема THE INFINITIVE / ИНФИНИТИВ-односно, основни облик глагола и како се он користи на стр.108, а имате објашњења и у граматици на стр.161/162. Имате инфинитив са "to " (to be, to work) и инфинитив без "to " (be, work). Када прочитате упутство о коришћењу као домаћи ћете ми предати 4 реченице из вежбе 2 на 109. страни.
Г 21-ви данас читате текст ХОБИЈИ/HOBBIES на стр.88,89. Домаћи за двојку-речи из Glossary и 1. и 2. вежба; остали стр. 90 (speaking) вежба 1. и 2. написати по 3 реченице и предати.
Е 22- данас почињете нову област WELCOME TO THE FUTURE / ДОБРО ДОШЛИ У БУДУЋНОСТ и треба да прочитате текст WHAT ROLE WILL ROBOTS PLAY IN THE FUTURE / КАКВУ УЛОГУ ЋЕ ИМАТИ РОБОТИ У БУДУЋНОСТИ.стр.97/98.Домаћи: за двојку - вежба 1 Vocabulary и превод речи и вежба 2 (98.стр.); остали -1.вежба (97) и вежба 3 (98).
М 23- данас почињете нову област WELCOME TO THE FUTURE / ДОБРО ДОШЛИ У БУДУЋНОСТ и треба да прочитате текст WHAT ROLE WILL ROBOTS PLAY IN THE FUTURE / КАКВУ УЛОГУ ЋЕ ИМАТИ РОБОТИ У БУДУЋНОСТИ на стр.97/98. Домаћи за двојку- превод истакнутих речи из текста и вежба 2 на 98. стр.; остали: вежба 1(97) и вежба 2(98).
Aleksandar Pavlovic G12
ReplyDelete1.He managed to finish the report before he went home(finish)
2.He wanted to avoid to take the Underground(take)
3.Would you mind wait for a few minutes?(wait)
4.He made her swim although it was cold(swim)
5.She pretended not to notice what I was doing (notice)
6.I miss playing tennis with him(play)
7.He promised to write a long letter to me(write)
8.He couldn't afford rent a flat like flat like that(rent)
9.I am used to find her in a bad mood(find)
10.I used to watch that television show when I was young(watch)
11.It was impossible to go back
Требало је да пошаљеш 4 реченице- добре су 1., 4.,5.,6.,7.,10. и 11.- оцена 3
DeleteDanijel Ninkovic G12
ReplyDelete1 He managed to finish the report
Before he went home (finish)
2He wanted to avoid to take the
3Would you mind wait for a few
4He made her swim although it was
Cold (swim)
5She pretended not to notice what
I was doing (notice)
6 I miss playing tennis with
Him (play)
7He promised to write a long letter
To me (write)
8 He couldn't afford rent a flak like
Flat like that (rent)
9 I am used to find her in a bad
Mood (find)
10 I used to watch that television
Show when i was young (watch)
Треба само 4 реченице- нису добре2.,3., 8. и 9. - оцена 2+
DeleteBranko Bakić G12 keramičar
ReplyDeleteStrana 108
1.He managed to finish the report before he went home(finish)
2.He wanted to avoid to take the Underground(take)
3.Would you mind wait for a few minutes?(wait)
4.He made her swim although it was cold(swim)
5.She pretended not to notice what I was doing (notice)
6.I miss playing tennis with him(play)
7.He promised to write a long letter to me(write)
8.He couldn't afford rent a flat like flat like that(rent)
9.I am used to find her in a bad mood(find)
10.I used to watch that television show when I was young(watch)
11.It was impossible to go back
Sad sam uradio sve sto je imalo?
He managed to finish the report before he went home(finish)
Delete2.He wanted to avoid to take the Underground(take)
3.Would you mind wait for a few minutes?(wait)
4.He made her swim although it was cold(swim)
5.She pretended not to notice what I was doing (notice)
6.I miss playing tennis with him(play) Žarko Krasavčić G12 Keramičar
Бакићу опет не гледаш задатак- погледај коментаре изнад... а код тебе Красвчићу 2. и 3. нису добре
DeleteLuka Marković G12
ReplyDelete1.He wented to avoid TOOK the undergrand
2.He made her SVAM
3.He promised WROTE a long lete to me
4.It was imposible WENT back go
1.-TAKING; 2-SWIM; 3-TO WRITE; 4-TO GO back
DeleteKRISTIJAN MARKOVIC G12 THE INFINITIVE 1.He menaged finishe the report before he went home 2.He made her SVAM 3.She pretended not to notice what i was doing notice 4.Vould you mind wait for afev minutes wait. Evo profesorka saljem vam 4 uradjena zadatka sa 1009 strane
ReplyDelete1- добро , 3- добро, а остале не. 2-swim 4/ waiting/ ocena 2
DeleteRanko Antonic G12
ReplyDelete1.He manged to finish the report before he went home(finish)
2.He wanted to avoid to take the Underground(take)
3.Would you mind wait for a few minutes?(wait)
4.He made her swim although it was cold(swim)
5.She pretended not to notice what i was doing(notice)
6.l miss playing tennis with him(play)
7.He promised to write a long letter to me(write)
8.He couldn't afford rent a flast like flat like that (rent)
9.l am used to find her in a bad mood(find)
10.l used to watch that television show when i was young(watch)
11.it was impossible to go back.
Mihailo Gligoric G12
ReplyDelete1.He manged to finish the report before he went home(finish)
2.He wanted to avoid to take the Underground(take)
3.Would you mind wait for a few minutes?(wait)
4.He made her swim although it was cold(swim)
5.She pretended not to notice what i was doing(notice)
6.l miss playing tennis with him(play)
7.He promised to write a long letter to me(write)
8.He couldn't afford rent a flast like flat like that (rent)
9.l am used to find her in a bad mood(find)
10.l used to watch that television show when i was young(watch)
11.it was impossible to go back.
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ReplyDelete1. He menaged finishe the report before he went home.
ReplyDelete2. He made her swim.
3. She pretended not to notice what i was doing notice.
4 .Would you mind waiting for a few minutes?