среда 29. април 2020.

Добар дан
вам желим.

Г 41- ви данас, на неки начин завршавате са градивом- и остаје вам да урадите писмени и да сведем оцене за крај ваше школе. Надам се да сте расположени. Тема данас је PERFECTIVE VERB FORMS / СВРШЕНИ И НЕСВРШЕНИ  ГЛАГОЛСКИ ОБЛИЦИ, штo вем је познато и од раније, само је сада изложено укратко, и на једном месту. На стр.121, као и у граматици- стр. 150. имате упоређена времена трајна и проста- у којој мери изражавају свршену радњу/радњу која траје и везано за које време (садашње/будуће/прошло). Домаћи је да ишчитате 121. и 150. стр. ,а предаћете ми вежбу 3 (121.).

Е 23- ви за данас имате THE FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE / ТРАЈНО БУДУЋЕ ВРЕМЕ- изражава радњу која ће трајати у одређеном будућем тренутку (односно нешто што очекујемо да ће се дешавати као нормалан след догађаја)- гради се од будућег времена глагола BE (shall be/will be)  и главног глагола у садашњем партиципу ( inf. + -ing) - shall be reading/will be reading-. Домаћи је да прочитате 101. стр. и за двојку -вежба1- а за већу оцену вежба 2.

М 31- ваша тема за данас је састав A DESCRIPTION OF AN EVENT / ОПИС ДОГАЂАЈА и објашњење и пример се налази на стр. 60/61 као и у делу књиге WRITING HELP   .Имате 7 дана да напишете састав, и потрудите се да поштујете правила, а сада ми предајете вежбу 5 (61).


  1. Vezba 5
    1.Take an umbrella in case it rains.
    2.Bring your costune so that you can swim in the river.
    3.You can't drive fast fue to fogg.
    4.Leave your telephone number so that we can contact you.
    5.Don't come round because of my aunt.
    6.Ring him up first in order to check if hi is in by.
    7.Wear warm clothes in case it is cold at night.

  2. Vezba 5
    1.Take an umbrella in case it rains.
    2.Bring your costune so that you can swim in the river.
    3.You can't drive fast fue to fogg.
    4.Leave your telephone number so that we can contact you.
    5.Don't come round because of my aunt.
    6.Ring him up first in order to check if hi is in by.
    7.Wear warm clothes in case it is cold at night.

  3. Vezba 5
    1.Take an umbrella in case it rains.
    2.Bring your costune so that you can swim in the river.
    3.You can't drive fast fue to fogg.
    4.Leave your telephone number so that we can contact you.
    5.Don't come round because of my aunt.
    6.Ring him up first in order to check if hi is in by.
    7.Wear warm clothes in case it is cold at night.

  4. Nikola Vaguric
    Vezba 5
    1.Take an umbrella in case it rains.
    2.Bring your costune so that you can swim in the river.
    3.You can't drive fast fue to fogg.
    4.Leave your telephone number so that we can contact you.
    5.Don't come round because of my aunt.
    6.Ring him up first in order to check if hi is in by.
    7.Wear warm clothes in case it is cold at night.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Filip Bogicevic
    Vezba 5
    1.Take an umbrella in case it rains.
    2.Bring your costune so that you can swim in the river.
    3.You can't drive fast fue to fogg.
    4.Leave your telephone number so that we can contact you.
    5.Don't come round because of my aunt.
    6.Ring him up first in order to check if hi is in by.
    7.Wear warm clothes in case it is cold at night.

  7. Vezba 5
    1.Take an umbrella in case it rains.
    2.Bring your costune so that you can swim in the river.
    3.You can't drive fast fue to fogg.
    4.Leave your telephone number so that we can contact you.
    5.Don't come round because of my aunt.
    6.Ring him up first in order to check if hi is in by.
    7.Wear warm clothes in case it is cold at night.

  8. Vezba 5
    1.Take an umbrella in case it rains.
    2.Bring your costune so that you can swim in the river.
    3.You can't drive fast fue to fogg.
    4.Leave your telephone number so that we can contact you.
    5.Don't come round because of my aunt.
    6.Ring him up first in order to check if hi is in by.
    7.Wear warm clothes in case it is cold at night.

  9. Zoran Kovacevic
    Vezba 5
    1.Take an umbrella in case it rains.
    2.Bring your costune so that you can swim in the river.
    3.You can't drive fast fue to fogg.
    4.Leave your telephone number so that we can contact you.
    5.Don't come round because of my aunt.
    6.Ring him up first in order to check if hi is in by.
    7.Wear warm clothes in case it is cold at night.

    1. вас 7 сложна екипа- бар прегледајте шта пишете

  10. Igor Djurdjevic
    Vezba 5
    1.Take an umbrella in case it rains.
    2.Bring your costune so that you can swim in the river.
    3.You can't drive fast fue to fogg.
    4.Leave your telephone number so that we can contact you.
    5.Don't come round because of my aunt.
    6.Ring him up first in order to check if hi is in by.
    7.Wear warm clothes in case it is cold at night.

    1. Шта рећи?? Можда нешто ида урадиш???


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