понедељак 18.мај 2020.

Добар дан,
лепо сте расположени, надам се.

Е 11- ви данас завршавате са препричавањем -COMMANDS/REQUESTS - наредбе/молбе- су врста реченица које још нисмо обрадили, и оне су најједноставније јер, без обзира да ли је уводни глагол у прошлом времену или не- њих увек препричавате инфинитивом (нема слагања времена)   -   "Go out!" He told me/He tells me/ He asks me to go out.
             Рекао ми је(у смислу наредио)/Каже ми/Замолио ме је да изађем.
На стр. 137 имате објашњење, а домаћи је 5 реченица из вежбе испод објашњења.

Г 12- ви данас имате проверу знања из области 8- на стр. 129 је тест- за двојку - превешћете Key Word List(verbs, nouns, adjectives) и урадити вежбу 2; за већу оцену - вежба 1(Grammar).

Е23-ви данас учите како да изразите различите степене уверености у нешто. На 110. стр. имате изразе који се користе у ту сврху и ваш задатак је да преведете те 3 врсте (уоквирених) израза.

М 23- ви данас завршавате област 7 и на стр.111 је тест-за двојку ћете превести Key Word List и урадити вежбу 1; за већу оцену- вежба 3 и 4.

М 31- задатак вам је на стр. 65 вежбе 4, 6 и 7. Мени ћете предати реченице из 4. вежбе и урађену 7. вежбу.  Домаћи типа 1а, 2г, 3д... НЕМОЈТЕ СЛАТИ КАО ДОМАЋИ.


  1. Danijel Ninkovic G12 Appear-pojaviti
    Young people-mladi ljudi
    Get better-popraviti

    1. мораш ка гледаш у књигу и да видиш шта ти је задатак "на стр. 129 је тест- за двојку - превешћете Key Word List(verbs, nouns, adjectives) и урадити вежбу 2; за већу оцену - вежба 1(Grammar).... ти то ниси урадио.

  2. KRISTIJAN MARKOVIC G12 Appear-pojaviti young people-mladi ljudi Habit-navika Unvoidable-neizbezno Gez better-popraviti

  3. Danijel Ninkovic G12 Modest-average

    1. није добра вежба- и обележавај реченице 1.-, 2.-, 3.-...Уради тест- јер сви треба да добјете оцену из области...

  4. Nemanja Pavlovic M31
    Vezba 4
    1.They had to keep the baby in an air bubble because he was born without a working immune system.
    2.The parents were allowed to take the boy home 3 months after receiving the infusion.
    3.Adrian Thrasher believed that gene therapy could work, because this is the first time that gene therapy can be effective in and of itself.
    4.Doctors are careful not to be too optimistic in surgeries because they used their knowledge of genes for the first time.
    5.Doctors should be able to cure more diseases in the future because they have discovered a cure for this bolset that is ingested through the bone marrow.
    Vezba 7
    1.feeling of happiness--euphoria
    2.deciphered--therapy is corrected
    3.be in our capcity--fresh air
    4.nearly dying--he faced his teeth
    5.cery quickly --within 15 days
    6.continuing --threat of three children
    7.important advance --initial optimism
    8.a great encouragrment --terrier multiplies and turns into red and white blood cells

    1. Све си лепо исписао.Вежба 4- добро 1и 3(делимично); у 7.- добро само 1. оцена +

  5. 1.They had to keep the baby in an air bubble because he was born without a working immune system.
    2.The parents were allowed to take the boy home 3 months after receiving the infusion.
    3.Adrian Thrasher believed that gene therapy could work, because this is the first time that gene therapy can be effective in and of itself.
    4.Doctors are careful not to be too optimistic in surgeries because they used their knowledge of genes for the first time.
    5.Doctors should be able to cure more diseases in the future because they have discovered a cure for this bolset that is ingested through the bone marrow.
    Vezba 7
    1.feeling of happiness--euphoria
    2.deciphered--therapy is corrected
    3.be in our capcity--fresh air
    4.nearly dying--he faced his teeth
    5.cery quickly --within 15 days
    6.continuing --threat of three children
    7.important advance --initial optimism
    8.a great encouragrment --terrier multiplies and turns into red and white blood cells

    1. Прписано- таква решења другачје не можеш да имаш...

  6. Vezba 4
    1.They had to keep the baby in an air bubble because he was born without a working immune system.
    2.The parents were allowed to take the boy home 3 months after receiving the infusion.
    3.Adrian Thrasher believed that gene therapy could work, because this is the first time that gene therapy can be effective in and of itself.
    4.Doctors are careful not to be too optimistic in surgeries because they used their knowledge of genes for the first time.
    5.Doctors should be able to cure more diseases in the future because they have discovered a cure for this bolset that is ingested through the bone marrow.
    Vezba 7
    1.feeling of happiness--euphoria
    2.deciphered--therapy is corrected
    3.be in our capcity--fresh air
    4.nearly dying--he faced his teeth
    5.cery quickly --within 15 days
    6.continuing --threat of three children
    7.important advance --initial optimism
    8.a great encouragrment --terrier multiplies and turns into red and white blood cells

  7. Nikola Vaguric
    Vezba 4
    1.They had to keep the baby in an air bubble because he was born without a working immune system.
    2.The parents were allowed to take the boy home 3 months after receiving the infusion.
    3.Adrian Thrasher believed that gene therapy could work, because this is the first time that gene therapy can be effective in and of itself.
    4.Doctors are careful not to be too optimistic in surgeries because they used their knowledge of genes for the first time.
    5.Doctors should be able to cure more diseases in the future because they have discovered a cure for this bolset that is ingested through the bone marrow.
    Vezba 7
    1.feeling of happiness--euphoria
    2.deciphered--therapy is corrected
    3.be in our capcity--fresh air
    4.nearly dying--he faced his teeth
    5.cery quickly --within 15 days
    6.continuing --threat of three children
    7.important advance --initial optimism
    8.a great encouragrment --terrier multiplies and turns into red and white blood cells

    1. Преписано..комента као код Пертжљана...

  8. Žarko Krasavčić G12 Keramičar
    Young people-mladi ljudi
    Get better-popraviti

    1. Погледај шта ти је задатак..па уради...

  9. Goran Bojic G12 Keramičar
    Young people-mladi ljudi
    Get better-popraviti

    1. Пре него што препишаш погледај да ли то треба да преписујеш.

  10. Igor djurdjevic
    1.They had to keep the baby in an air bubble because he was born without a working immune system.
    2.The parents were allowed to take the boy home 3 months after receiving the infusion.
    3.Adrian Thrasher believed that gene therapy could work, because this is the first time that gene therapy can be effective in and of itself.
    4.Doctors are careful not to be too optimistic in surgeries because they used their knowledge of genes for the first time.
    5.Doctors should be able to cure more diseases in the future because they have discovered a cure for this bolset that is ingested through the bone marrow.
    Vezba 7
    1.feeling of happiness--euphoria
    2.deciphered--therapy is corrected
    3.be in our capcity--fresh air
    4.nearly dying--he faced his teeth
    5.cery quickly --within 15 days
    6.continuing --threat of three children
    7.important advance --initial optimism
    8.a great encouragrment --terrier multiplies and turns into red and white blood cells

  11. Zoran Kovacevic M31
    4 vezba
    1.They had to keep the baby in an air bubble because he was born without a working immune system.
    2.The parents were allowed to take the boy home 3 months after receiving the infusion.
    3.Adrian Thrasher believed that gene therapy could work, because this is the first time that gene therapy can be effective in and of itself.
    4.Doctors are careful not to be too optimistic in surgeries because they used their knowledge of genes for the first time.
    5.Doctors should be able to cure more diseases in the future because they have discovered a cure for this bolset that is ingested through the bone marrow.
    Vezba 7
    1.feeling of happiness--euphoria
    2.deciphered--therapy is corrected
    3.be in our capcity--fresh air
    4.nearly dying--he faced his teeth
    5.cery quickly --within 15 days
    6.continuing --threat of three children
    7.important advance --initial optimism
    8.a great encouragrment --terrier multiplies and turns into red and white blood cells

  12. Ranko Antonic G12
    Young people-mladi ljudi
    Get better -popraviti


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