Г 41  ПИСМЕНИ /ИСПРАВАК

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The Second Written Schoolwork                                                             13th May 2020
1 Nismo se ni osvrnuli, a školska godina je prošla.
2 Retko kad imamo prilku da vidimo takvu predstavu.
3 Sve što mi treba je još jedna nova prilika.
4 Ono što mi stvarno treba je odlazak na more.
5 Krajnje je vreme da oni to reše.
6 Došavši kući, javio sam joj se.
7 Do kraja meseca, završićemo srednju školu.
8 Gladnjkav sam, čak i sestrin kikot mi smeta.
9 On je jedva koračao ulicom, dok su se ostali lagano šetkali.
10 Da smo znali šta nas čeka, ne bismo ni išli tamo.

1 No sooner did we look around than the school year was over.
2 Seldom do we have a chance to watch such a performance.
3 All I need is another new chance (opportunity).
4 What I really need is going to the seaside.
5 It`s (high/about) time they solved it (that).
6 Having arrived home, I called her.
7 By the end of the month, we shall have finished secondary school.
8 I`m a bit peckish, even my sister`s giggle bothers me.
9  He trudged down the street, while the others strolled easily.
10 Had we known what awaited us, we wouldn`t have gone there./If we had known what awaited us, we wouldn`t have gone there.


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