четвртак 7. мај 2020.

Добар дан,
 и надам се да сте добро и да су они који су славили лепо прославили.

Е 11- ви данас обнављате област и ево шта вас очекује:

Било би лепо да себи дате 40 мин да урадите овај тест.

 Answer the Questions:

1 Could you give an example of the generation gap in your family?
2 Why do people often forget to appreciate what they have?

Report the Following Sentences:

1 " I like my bike."
2 " We were at home yesterday."
3 " He will be at home on Friday."
4 " Her sister was working with me."
5 " Do you like music?"
6 " What was it like when you went to England?"
7 " Why haven`t you called me?"
8 " Are we really going home?"


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